CTL Research


Monographs and Annual Journals Edited

Raffoul, J. (Managing Ed.). (2010). Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, III. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Windsor, ON.

Wright, W.A., Wilson, M., MacIsaac, D. (Eds.). (2010). Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, III. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Windsor, ON.


Monographs and Articles Published

Wright, W.A., & Monette, M-J. (2010). L’Accès et la Réussite au Postsecondaire pour les Étudiants Issus de Groupes Sous-Représentés: Un Défi Collectif. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 3, 15-21.

Wright, W.A., Monette, M-J., Hamilton, B. (2010). Paddle your own canoe: Metaphors for teaching between the tides. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 3, 75-80.


Book Chapters

Wright, A. (2010). Foreword. In D. Kaufman & L. Sauvé, Educational gaming and simulation environments: Case studies. Hershey (PA): IGI Global.

Wright, A. (2010). Mind the gap: Aligning research and practice in teaching, learning and educational development. In J. Christensen Hughes & J. Mighty (Eds.), Taking stock: Research on teaching and learning in higher education. Montreal: McGill‐Queen’s University Press.

Zimmermann, A., Baker, N., Inskip, C. Linnell, J.D.C., Marchini, S., Odden J., Rasmussen G., & Treves, A. (2010). Contemporary views of human‐carnivore conflicts on wild rangelands. In J. du Toit, R. Kock & J.C. Deutsch (Eds.), Wild rangelands: Conserving wildlife while maintaining livestock in semi‐arid ecosystems (pp. 129‐151). Wiley‐Blackwell, UK.



Sauvé, L, Debeurme, G., Wright, W.A., Racette, N. et Pépin, K. (2010 ‐ sous presse). Validation d’un dispositif en ligne d’aide à la persévérance aux études postsecondaires. 6e Colloque CIRTA - Recherche et pratique du e-Learning, Université Laval, Québec, 16-18 novembre, 4 pages.


Invited Presentations

Baker, N., Gomez, A., Hartley, H., Magliaro, J., Poling, K., Smith, P., & Winter, J. (2010, June). Constantly connected: Engaging students in the wireless classroom. Invited presentation at Campus Technology Day, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Bernstein, J.L., Bass, R., Kustra, E., & Neely, R. (2010, May). Why SoTL? And, why now? Invited conference plenary at the annual conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Academy, Eastern Michigan University, MI, USA.

Bornais, J. & Boulos, P. (2009, July). Preparing for the first day of teaching. Invited presentation at the New Faculty Orientation, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Chitte, S. & Laurendeau, D. (2010, June). Automated classroom computer upgrades with SCCM. Invited presentation at Campus Technology Day, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Kustra, E. (2009, September). Centred on learning at the University of Windsor. Invited presentation at the University of Windsor Graduate Student Orientation, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Kustra, E. (2009, September). Working in teams. Invited presentation to students in the Capstone Engineering Design course, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Kustra, E. (2009, December). Refining curriculum. Invited presentation at the Human Kinetics Departmental Retreat, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Kustra, E. (2010, June). Aligning the UDLE and GDLE. Spring 2010 degree level expectations workshop: Implementing the undergraduate and graduate degree level expectations: Sharing successes and challenges. Invited workshop at McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

Kustra, E., Day, R., Gross, J., Potter, M.K., Atkinson, M., & Dawson, D. (2010, June). Facilitator development workshop. Invited multi‐day workshop (40 hours) for faculty at the University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Kustra, E. & Parson, R. (2010, June). Mapping the GLDE. Spring 2010 degree level expectations workshop: Implementing the undergraduate and graduate degree level expectations: Sharing successes and challenges. Invited workshop at McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

Kustra, E. & Potter, M.K. (2010, February). Leading discussions: Peer mentors. Invited presentation at the undergraduate peer mentors, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Kustra, E., Potter, M.K., & Baker, N. (2010, April). Learning outcomes. Invited presentation to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Kustra, E. & Ruth, D. (2010, May). Faculty development workshop. Invited presentation to Odette School of Business faculty, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Kustra, E. & Schofield, M. (2009, July). Creating a teaching dossier. Invited presentation at the New Faculty Orientation, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Kustra, E. & Schofield, M. (2009, July). Creating course outlines. Invited presentation at the New Faculty Orientation, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Potter, M.K. (2009, September). Exploring learning preferences. Invited presentation at the University of Windsor Graduate Student Orientation, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Stolarchuk, L. (2009, July). Teaching technologies. Invited presentation at the New Faculty Orientation, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Stolarchuk, L. (2009, September). CLEW basics. Invited presentation at the Faculty of Nursing’s Sessional Instructor Orientation, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Stolarchuk, L. (2010, February). CLEW and you. Invited presentation to the Faculty of Education’s Graduating Class, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Stolarchuk, L. & Tousignant, W. (2010, June). Online teaching and learning imaginarium. Invited presentation at Campus Technology Day, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Stolarchuk, L. & Kustra, E. (2010, February). CTL, CLEW, and you. Invited presentation to the Odette School of Business Faculty Council, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Woodhouse, R., Dence, C., Borin, P., & Kustra, E. (2010, February). Developing a Canadian agenda for research on the practice of educational development. Invited, full‐day pre‐conference workshop at the annual conference of the Educational Developers Caucus, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC.


Conference Presentations

Baker, N., Paxton, P., Kustra, E., & Wright, A. (2010, June). Visiting fellowships in educational development: Creating international partnerships in professional development and developing the developers. Peer‐reviewed presentation at the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.

Eansor, D.M., Wright, A., & Monette, M‐J. (2009, October). Strategies to increase Aboriginal access: Higher stakes for higher education professional programs? Peer‐reviewed presentation at the Inaugural Conference of the Canadian Post‐secondary Access Partnership, Toronto, ON.

Holmes, T., Ewert‐Bauer, T., Hamilton, B., Potter, M.K., & Wuetherick, B. (2010, February). Metaphors of nation in the construction of Canadian developer identities. Peer‐reviewed presentation at the annual conference of the Educational Developers Caucus, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC.

Manathunga, C., Holmes, T., Green, D.A., Little, D., Wuetherick, B., Rathbun, G., Turner, N., & Hamilton, B. (2010, June). The political geographies of academic development: neutral, non‐neutral and/or marginal. Symposium presented at the 8th Conference of the International Consortium of Educational Development: Enhancing strategies for global quality learning in higher education, Barcelona, Spain.

Kustra, E., Potter, M.K., Boulos, P., & Wright, A. (2010, May). Provoking change through intentional design: An internationally accredited certificate program. Poster presented at the fourth annual University of Windsor and Oakland University Teaching and Learning Conference, Oakland University, Rochester, MI.

Kustra, E., Potter, M.K., Boulos, P., & Wright, A. (2010, June). Provoking change through intentional design: An internationally accredited certificate program. Peer-reviewed presentation at the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.

Potter, M.K. (2010, June). Learning the shape of the spoon. Peer-reviewed presentation at the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.

Potter, M.K. & Kustra, E. (2010, February). The relationship between scholarly teaching and scholarship of teaching. Workshop facilitated at the annual conference of the Educational Developers Caucus, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC.

Potter, M.K. & Kustra, E. (2010, May). A shaky foundation? The importance of reflective practice in scholarly teaching. Peer-reviewed presentation at the annual conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Academy, Eastern Michigan University, MI, USA.

Potter, M.K. & Keating, B. (2010, April). Models and experiences in the development of graduate student leadership. Peer-reviewed presentation at Opportunities and New Directions Annual Conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.

Simmons, N., Cassidy, A., Kustra, E., Macpherson, A., Potter, M.K., Rodgers, R., Scrimger, A., Wilson, M., & Wolstenholme, J. Z-K. (2010, February). ED website A, B, C, D: A bridge for cross-cultural dialogue? Peer-reviewed presentation at the annual conference of the Educational Developers Caucus, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC.

Stolarchuk, L. (2009, September). Examples of universal design in higher education (UDHE). Poster presentation at the Lilly Conference on College & University Teaching, Traverse City, MI, USA.

Stolarchuk, L. & Tousignant, W. Online teaching and learning imaginarium. Peer-reviewed presentation at the annual Sakai Conference, Denver, CO, USA.

Stolarchuk, L., Visser, B., Bristow, P., & Collins, T. (2010, June). Sunset to sunrise: The University of Windsor evolution of Sakai. Peer-reviewed presentation at the annual Sakai Conference, Denver, CO, USA.

Woodhouse, R., Kustra, E., Boyd, C. (2010, June). Leading a centre for teaching and learning. Peer-reviewed presentation at the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.

Wright, A. & Monette, M-J. (2010, February). Ensemble for engagement. Peer-reviewed presentation at the annual conference of the Educational Developers Caucus, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC.

Wright, A., & Monette, M-J. (2010, June). A holistic approach to student success. Poster presented at the International Consortium of Educational Development (ICED), Barcelona, Spain.



Simmons, N., Kustra, E., Macpherson, A., Potter, M.K., Scrimger, A., & Wilson, M. (2009). Mapping the Canadian ED landscape: Demographics and practices of post-secondary educational development centres (Phase II). Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) Grant, $2500.