University of Windsor In-Course Bursary Assistance for Students in Receipt of Government Student Assistance
If you would like to apply for general need-based assistance, you will be expected to have a completed government financial aid application, i.e. OSAP, indicating an assessment of financial need. You will also be expected to claim your financial aid funding during the terms that it was awarded to you. Failure to complete a government financial aid application and receive assistance will invalidate your eligibility for general need-based assistance.
To be considered, you must complete the UWinAward Profile in UWinsite Student. If you have special circumstances that you would like considered, you must complete the appropriate question(s) within the profile.
Apply online for University of Windsor bursaries and other need-based assistance..
University of Windsor In-Course Bursary Assistance
Fall and/or Winter
Undergraduate students should complete the UWinAward profiles as soon as they are available.
Students who are assessed for OSAP for Fall Only
UWinAward Consideration Request deadline: October 15
Decision made by: early December
Students who are assessed for OSAP for Fall & Winter
UWinAward Consideration Request deadline: October 15
Decision made by: early December
Students who are assessed for OSAP for Winter Only or students assessed Fall/Winter but who missed the October 15 deadline UWinAward Consideration Request deadline: January 31
Decision made by: mid-March
All fall/winter bursary allocations for students who applied by the October 15 deadline are paid to a student's winter tuition account as a credit (payment will be applied by mid-December) unless you are studying and receiving OSAP funding for the fall semester only. Students studying fall only will have their bursary applied to their fall tuition account.
Important: If you withdraw from your studies, drop below 60% of a full course load in fall or decide not to return to full-time studies in Winter (i.e. to complete a co-op work term) after you have claimed your OSAP assistance on a fall/winter OSAP assessment, bursary assistance will be cancelled for the winter term as you will be overpaid in OSAP funding (students receive 60% of their fall/winter OSAP assessment in fall). If however, you complete the fall term and are not returning for the winter AND you repay your OSAP overpayment in full prior to November 30, please notify the Student Awards Office as consideration for fall only may be given.
Graduate Students: The University of Windsor Graduate Student Bursary will open up on August 1 and will close on January 31.
Law Students: The UWinAward Application/Profile and associated law specific awards close on September 30. Law students who miss the September 30 deadline can apply for general need-based bursary assistance however law students will not be considered for law specific need-based awards that have a September 30th deadline.
University of Windsor In-Course Bursary Assistance
Students who are applying for OSAP through the Intersession/Summer Extension form, will automatically be assessed for In-course bursary assistance. Students who are starting in Intersession/Summer and are applying online for OSAP will be considered for In-course bursary assistance for the Intersession/Summer semester as long as a UWinAward profile application is submitted by the application deadline date. Profiles will be assigned in the next few weeks to student's "Task" tile on the UWinsite student page.
Students who are assessed for Intersession & Summer
Application deadline: June 30
Decision made by: early June
Students who are assessed for Intersession Only
Application deadline: June 30
Decision made by: June
Students who are assessed for Summer Only
Application deadline: June 30
Decision made by: late July
If approved, bursary assistance will be available to you after the drop deadline for Summer.
You may apply for bursary assistance even if you are applying for OSAP for Intersession only or Summer Session only. Please be advised that bursary assistance is limited, therefore, the earlier a student applies, the better chance they have.
Important: If you withdraw from your studies or drop below 60% of a full course load in either Intersession or Summer after you have claimed your OSAP assistance and your bursary has been used to pay a portion of your tuition, your bursary MAY BE REVERSED or RESCINDED and you will be responsible for covering any balance owing to the Student Accounts Office.