Enriched Academy

Financial Literacy Program for Students

Set yourself up for financial success with Enriched Academy!

  • Are you concerned about managing your own budget for the first time?
  • Are you concerned about repaying your student loan upon graduation?
  • Are you thinking about saving for your future?

Through a series of fun, insightful videos, Enriched Academy will help you:

  • steer away from poor money management traps
  • avoid credit card traps that can bury you in debt
  • understand the fundamentals of saving and investing early


Student Registration Process:

  1. Students must sign up with their @uwindsor.ca email account only.
  2. Students will get the following message after submitting the form, "Thanks for submitting your information. Please check your e-mail for further verification." 
  3. Students will receive a verification email to their @uwindsor.ca email account. Once the student clicks on the verification link in the email, they will be activated and logged into their Enriched Academy account.

If you are a prospective student and do not yet have an active UWin email address and you are interested in learning more, please complete the following form to receive your complimentary access ahead of receiving your UWindsor email.

Watch a short video on how to navigate the site.

Tell us what you think! You can email your comments or questions to enrichedstart@uwindsor.ca.

Enriched Academy offers a continuous schedule of free, live webinars hosted by some of the top personal finance gurus in Canada. These online session are a great way to do a deeper dive into select personal finance topics and can save you hours of time and effort searching the web. Their reliable, trustworthy advice is presented in clear, no-nonsense fashion that doesn’t require any financial background to understand and get started.

Topics vary but they all reinforce the contents of their online financial literacy program and include debt management & repayment, credit scores, tax basics, investing with TFSAs & RRSPs, student loans, buying a home, … and a lot more. Check out their upcoming sessions and easily register online: Enriched Academy - Education Webinars

Once you have completed the program, you can be considered for one of (5) awards available for the current academic year.  Once you have completed all of the Enriched Academy modules, you are eligible to apply for this award via the UWinAward Profile/Application.  Start now!  The deadline to complete the modules and to apply for this award is February 15.

Please note that completion of the program does not guarantee you the one of five scholarships.  Completion of the program allows you to apply for one of the five scholarships.  The scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of their written submission describing in detail, what you have learned from the program and identifying at least one financial goal that you would like to achieve or work towards this year.

Enriched Academy is introducing a scholarship program this year to provide financial support for students and help them succeed. Any students at our partner schools who complete the Enriched Academy program are eligible to apply.  Additional details can be found here.

Enriched Academy is not intended as a substitute for professional financial advice but is to be used as an informational aid. A professional financial advisor should always be consulted before making any form of investment. The University of Windsor expressly disclaims all warranties and responsibilities of any kind, whether express or implied, for the accuracy or reliability of the content of any information contained in these videos and for the suitability, results or effectiveness of the content for any particular purpose. Users of this program are solely responsible for the use or reliance and in no event, will the University of Windsor be liable for any damages resulting from the use of or inability to use the content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or other legal theory, and whether or not the University of Windsor is advised of the possibility of such damages.


Services Available:

You may reach our office at: (519) 253-3000 Ext. 3300

Regular SAFA Service Hours 

 Monday  1:00PM - 4:00PM
 Tuesday  1:00PM - 4:00PM
 Wednesday    9:00AM - 12:00PM; 2:00PM - 4:00PM
 Thursday  9:00AM - 12:00PM; 2:00PM - 4:00PM
 Friday   1:00PM - 4:00PM


Please refer to ask.uwindsor.ca as there may be a knowledge base article that may answer your question.

In order to better assist you, please always include your UWindsor Student Number in your communications.

Students should complete their UWinAward Student Application/Profile via UWinsite Student > Student Homepage > Award Profile to be matched with eligible funding opportunities.

Additional Information for Domestic Students who are experiencing financial hardship.

Additional Information for International Students who are experiencing financial hardship.

If you require additional assistance you may contact our office by email at award1@uwindsor.ca.

Questions regarding OSAP Micro-Credential applications and supporting documentation can be directed to OSAPMC@uwindsor.ca.

Documents may be faxed, sent as an attachment via email at award1@uwindsor.ca, or placed in our drop-box located in the lobby of CHT or mailed to:

Student Awards & Financial Aid
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Ave. CHT Room 102
Windsor, ON N9B 3P4

Fax: (519) 973-7087

Please refer to https://ask.uwindsor.ca/ as there may be a knowledge base article that may answer your question.


Student Awards & Financial Aid Office

University of Windsor
Chrysler Hall Tower, 1st Floor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, ON, Canada, N9B 3P4

* Due to construction, the entrance to our lobby/waiting area can be accessed from the south entrance of Chrysler Hall Tower

We are available for in-person service during the following hours:

Regular SAFA Service Hours

 Monday  1:00PM - 4:00PM
 Tuesday  1:00PM - 4:00PM
 Wednesday   9:00AM - 4:00PM
 Thursday  9:00AM - 4:00PM
 Friday   1:00PM - 4:00PM


To enter our in-person service queue with the Student Awards or the Financial Aid office, please scan this QR Code or click if using a mobile device:

If you feel that you need to talk to someone about your situation, please take the following steps:

1) Try asking your question using https://ask.uwindsor.ca.  We have many knowledge base articles that might be able to assist you with your question.

2) Log on to https://ask.uwindsor.ca to submit a service request and a Student Awards or Financial Aid Representative will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

3) Call our office during our phone service hours.  A Student Award or Financial Aid Representative may be able to resolve your issue over the phone.

4) If options 1) through 3) do not resolve your issue,  we will schedule you a virtual Teams meeting/appointment with a Student Awards or Financial Aid Specialist for a time that is mutually convenient.


UWinAward Profile/Application Support

Here is the schedule for our virtual drop-in sessions available for students who require assistance with their UWinAward Profile/Application for bursary and scholarship applications.

Important Notes:

  • We will attempt to return messages and service requests within 2 business days where possible.  In September, January & May however, our response time may be closer to 7-10 business days.

  • Please do not leave/send multiple messages/emails as this will delay our response time.