Positionality Statements
Positionality statements are a way of recognizing the intersectionality of identities and their influence the holistic experiences of students; from what is taught, how subjects are taught, or how assessments are evaluated (Queen’s University, 2022).
Positionality statements can be used for teachers to disclose their identity, experience and journey (Hampton et al., 2021) through an ethic of care (Chen et al., 2023).
You can begin writing your positionality statement by reflecting on the following:
- What social identities (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation) do you identify with? How do these identities impact the way in which you teach?
- What type of training and experiences do you have? How do these experiences shape you professionally and how might they impact how students relate to you?
- How do I experience knowledge and expertise?
- What role does my discipline play in dominant ideologies or worldviews? How does this impact my teaching philosophy, course design, teaching practices and content, research and scholarship?
Inclusivity Statements
Inclusivity statement is a way of communicating your valuing of people, applying language that emphasizes the value of diverse culture, experiences, thoughts, and contributors. Inclusivity statements may align with an organization’s mission or vision statement and should be aspirational in nature (Pitts et al., 2019).
You can begin writing your inclusivity statement by reflecting on the following:
- Identify specific goals to redress systemic oppression and racism
- Authentically situating yourself within your classroom, course, or faculty; what do you want to see change?
- Apply an intersectionality lens; how do students navigate your classroom, course content and other aspects of higher education?
(Pitts et al., 2019)
Useful Resources
- Writing Positionality Inclusivity Statements
- Writing Positionality Statements Infographic
- Writing Positionality Statements Handout (aligned with infographic)
Chen, J., Hughes, S., & Ranade, N. (2023). Reimagining student-centered learning: Accessible and inclusive syllabus design during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Computers and Composition, 67, 1-15. Reimagining student-centered learning: Accessible and inclusive syllabus design during and after the COVID-19 pandemic - ScienceDirect
Hampton, C., Reeping, D., & Sevi Ozkan, S. (2021). Positionality statements in engineering education research: A look at the hand that guides the methodological tools. Studies in Engineering Education, 1(2), 126-141. Positionality Statements in Engineering Education Research: A Look at the Hand that Guides the Methodological Tools (seejournal.org)
Pitts, C., Hudson, T., Reeves, G., Christenbery, T., & Johnson, R. (2019). Writing a diversity and inclusivity statement. Nurse Educator, 45(4), 198-201. Writing a Diversity and Inclusivity Statement: Guidelines for Nursing Programs and Faculty - PubMed (nih.gov)
Queen’s University. (2022). Positionality statement. Positionality Statement | Centre for Teaching and Learning (queensu.ca)