Kevin Gomes, Ph.D., Psychologist
Kevin completed his PhD and doctoral internship at the London Clinical Psychology Residency Consortium in 2013. He is a practicing therapist in Vancouver, BC and became a registered psychologist in 2014. Kevin's research has examined the treatment process of people suffering from gambling addiction. Both his MA thesis and PhD dissertation required careful collaborations with different treatment centres located in communities throughout Ontario. His dissertation (2013; submitted for publication) incorporated a longitudinal design to study treatment facilitating or hindering influence from a range of patient-related factors as they developed over the first four months in treatment for gambling addiction.
Funded by: Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre's G. Ron Frisch Award (2008-2011)
In the News: Student receives inaugural award for research into gambling addiction
Terry Singh, Ph.D., Psychologist
Terence Singh is currently employed as a Psychologist at the largest hospital campus in Canada, the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, Alberta, where he is actively engaged in both research and clinical work. He was invited to give a talk for TEDx. His primary research interests include psychotherapy process and outcome research, with a particular focus on the therapist's role in facilitating adaptive change. His dissertation is entitled "More to Gain: Sudden Gains in Experiential Therapy for Depression". He was a doctoral student in the Emotion Change Lab from 2006-2012, and participated in research garnering multiple provincial, national, and international awards during this time.
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
In the News: Participation helps addiction recovery, researchers say Terry Singh's TEDx Talk
Shawn Harrington, Ph. D., Psychologist
Dr. Shawn Harrington, is a Clinical Psychologist licensed with the College of Psychologists of Dr. Shawn Harrington is a Clinical Psychologist licensed with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. He completed his Ph.D. and M.A. in Adult Clinical Psychology at the University of Windsor. Dr. Harrington is licensed in the areas of adult and adolescent clinical psychology and adult rehabilitation psychology.
Dr. Harrington completed a pre-doctoral residency at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital and Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Centre in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 2015-2016 where he worked in inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation psychology, inpatient health psychology, and inpatient psychiatry. His current practice in psychotherapy is grounded in emotion and psychotherapy research.
Dr. Harrington’s clinical approach is integrative in nature, and is informed by emotion-focused therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, motivational interviewing, and mindfulness. He is particularly passionate about working with local emergency services workers.
Cristina Andreescu, Ph.D.
Cristina's research interests focus on emotion processing, training in psychotherapy, psychotherapy integration, mental health rehabilitation. She was a PhD candidate in the Adult Clinical Psychology track, having completed her undergraduate degree at McMaster University and her MA at University of Windsor. In her future, she plans on providing therapy in a private practice setting and conducting further research on emotion processing deficits specific to various types of pathology. Dr. Andreescu completed her Ph.D. in 2015.
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and John and Anne Cristescu Scholarship
Nikita Yeryomenko, Ph. D., Psychologist (Supervised Practice)
Dr. Yeryomenko is a counselor with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Windsor, Ontario.
He has formal training in cognitive-behavioral, emotion-focused,and psychodynamic therapy. He completed his residency at the Student Wellness Counselling Centre at Memorial University of Newfoundland where he developed a strong interest in the Stepped Care Model of delivery of mental health services.
He is also interested in the delivery of psychological services in primary care settings, as well as in interprofessional training and education.
Beatriz Rodriguez Rubio, Ph.D.
Betty was born and raised in Mexico, she attained a masters degree in Family and Couples therapy at the Universidad Iberoamericana - Puebla. She had her own practice at Hospital Betania in Puebla, Mexico. Betty has been meditating since 1995 and facilitated the Mind-Body group at the University of Windsor for 2 years, which is designed for university students who wanted to attain more peace and awareness in their daily lives. Betty's research is based on qualitative methods and her research interests include psychotherapy training, multicultural counseling competencies, and integrative psychotherapy process and outcome. Dr. Rodgrigues Rubio completed her Ph.D. in 2015.
Masters-Level Alumni
Emily S. Orr, Ph.D.
Dr. Emily S. Orr completed her Master’s thesis as a member of the lab and was funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Master’s Scholarship (2006-2007). She went on the complete her Doctorate and is currently in practice as a Psychologist in Nova Scotia (Canada).
Undergraduate Alumni Pursuing further Graduate Studies
Milena Greaves, B.A.
Milena has completed her B.A. honours in psychology with thesis. Her topic evaluated how emotional intelligence impacted grade point average. Her research interests revolve around psychotherapy but, more specifically, on working with personality disorders. She has recently been accepted to the Social Work Master's program at Wayne State University.
Samantha Zakaria, B.A.
Samantha completed her BA honours in Psychology with Thesis in April 2013. She currently holds a Biology degree from the University of Windsor. Her research interests revolve around psychotherapy, but more specifically, on the effects of expressive writing on salivary cortisol levels. In the future, her goals are to work with individuals experiencing psychological distress.
Samantha Metler, B.A.
Samantha earned her B.A. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Windsor in June 2011. She completed her undergraduate thesis on the effectiveness of emotion focused sentence completion tasks under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Pascual-Leone. Being Research Coordinator (August 2010 to August 2011) and later Research Manager (September 2011 to August 2012) for the Emotion Change Lab allowed Samantha to pursue her research interests, gain valuable clinical skills, and collaborate with admirable undergraduate as well as graduate students on various projects. Samantha continued to pursue her research interests by earning her M.A. in Social and Personality Psychology from Brock University in October 2014. Her Master’s thesis focused on clarifying the structure of subjective well-being.
Ewelina Horochowik, B.A.
Ewelina earned her B.A. in Psychology from the University of Windsor. She completed her undergraduate thesis on the patterns of anger and sadness in good and poor psychotherapy outcome under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Pascual-Leone. She participated in the lab on different projects as an undergraduate student and is currently pursuing the MSW program at the University of Windsor.
Nicole Gillespie, B.A., post-graduate certificate
Nicole Gillespie completed her honours thesis in the Emotion Change Lab in 2008, and is coauthor of the Complexity of Emotion Regulation Scale. She has since completed a post-graduate program in Life Skills Coaching and Wellness Counselling in Vancouver. She now works as a Coaching Coordinator in the non-profit sector working with homeless youth and practicing clinical skills in Toronto.