Donika Yakoub 
Donika is currently in her third year at the University of Windsor, studying Behaviour, Cognition and Neuroscience. She is an undergraduate volunteer in the Emotion Change Lab, who also aids in coordination of the lab and plans on completing an honors thesis with Dr. Pascual-Leone in Septemer 2019.
Donika currently plans on pursuing a career in Medicine, and aspires to one day specialize in Psychiatry.
Brianna Lunardi
Brianna is currently in her fourth year, completing her B.Sc Honours Biological Science and her minor in Psychology at the University of Windsor. Brianna works with M.A and Ph.D students in the Emotion Change Lab, assisting with research and data collection.
Additionally, she works with Dr. Houser in his Coastal Research Lab, where she contributes to research in Windsor and Costa Rica.
Her research interests include coastal geomorphology and respective rip current formation. She plans on pursuing her M.A in an environmental science field.