Dr. Ueli Kramer, PhD.
Dr. Ueli Kramer holds a position as a clinician and researcher at the university hospital of Lausanne, CHUV, Switzerland. Dr. Kramer became an adjunct professor at the University of Windsor in 2014 and continues to collaborate with the emotion change lab on a number of projects.
He has published extensively on personality disorders, psychotherapy, and process research. Dr. Kramer has been a long time collaborator with the Emotion Change Lab and has taken a one year position (2013-2014) in the lab as a visiting assistant professor. He will be running He ran a number collaborative research projects during that time on self-criticism, anger, and psychotherapy process. He is also developing the design of a large randomized clinical trial for the treatment of personality disorders.
Visiting Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor N9B 3P4, CANADA
Email: krameru@uwindsor.ca
CHUV Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois
University of Lausanne
Département de Psychiatrie
Institut Universitaire de Psychothérapie
et Service de Psychiatrie Générale
Avenue d'Echallens 9, 1004 Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
Email: Ueli.Kramer@chuv.ch