Visiting Fellows in Educational Development

Visiting Fellows in Educational Development

The Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, invites expressions of interest for the position of Visiting Fellow in Educational Development to be determined by mutual agreement.

The  Visiting Fellow posting is designed for experienced academic developers taking leave from their home institutions and interested in:

  • living and working in a new and stimulating environment;
  • contributing new ideas and perspectives to a campus program "centred on learning";
  • professional development opportunities based on collaboration with a strong academic development team; and
  • developing SoTL ideas in the context of an academic leave.

Although the Visiting Fellow will be offered lodging (often for a period of three months) and amenities in support of his or her professional activities, the Fellowship does not provide the salary normally associated with an academic position.

Since 2007, the University of Windsor has hosted Fellows from the USA, Canada, Jamaica, Australia, England, Belgium, New Zealand, South Africa, Nigeria and China.

There is no set deadline for expressions of interest, but we will fill these positions as soon as we can. Please send your expressions of interest or requests for further information to:

Jessica Raffoul
Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning
University of Windsor
CTL, 401 Sunset Avenue,
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N9B 3P4