Notice of Collection & Use of Personal Information

Student Awards Notice of Collection & Use of Personal Information

The Student Awards & Financial Aid Office at the University of Windsor is committed to the protection of privacy and confidentiality of all its constituency.

University of Windsor Scholarship and Awards Program

By accepting a scholarship or award which is awarded by application, automatically or by nomination based on grades (does not require an application), you agree to the terms of use that governs the administration of the University of Windsor financial aid and awards program.  The University of Windsor is committed to the protection of privacy and confidentiality of all its constituents.  The information collected by the University of Windsor, Student Awards and Financial Aid Office is collected under the authority of the University of Windsor Act, 1962 and is collected for the purposes of administering financial aid, scholarship and award programs. Where necessary, the University of Windsor may disclose your personal information to award donors and/or provide public recognition of achievement.

The purpose of data collection when a student applies for an award or scholarship through our on-line application process, is to provide the Student Awards & Financial Aid Office the facility to adjudicate applications and eligibility accordingly based on the terms of reference for the award.  As well, a student is agreeing to allow their name to be shared with the donor of the award if requested by the donor.

As well, some awards are administered automatically by an assignment based on a minimum grade requirement i.e. Automatic Entrance Award Program, or by nomination.  In these cases, the names of students are withheld and not released to any third party outside of the University, without the consent of the student.

Regardless of the means by which an award is assigned to a student however, by acceptance of the award, information may be shared internally should the information be required for a University of Windsor employee/department to fulfill the duties of their position.  Some examples where student information may be shared are as follows:

  • To a University department for: 
    • statistical information gathering/reporting
    •  the purposes of organizing events that might recognize award winners
    • the purposes of fundraising
  • To the Career Services office for the administration of Work Study
  • To Federal and provincial government offices and Ministries for funding, statistical analysis and planning purposes;

Ontario Student Assistance Program

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities administers OSAP under the authority of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.19, as amended, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 773, Reg. 774, and Reg. 775, as amended, and O. Reg. 268/01, as amended; the Financial Administration Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.
12, as amended; the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, S.C. 1994, c. 28, as amended; the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations, SOR 95‐329, as amended; and the Budget Implementation Act, 1998, S.C. 1998, c. 21, as amended. If you have any questions about the collection or use of your OSAP application information, contact the Director, Student Support Branch, Ministry of Colleges and Universities, PO Box 4500, 189 Red RiverRoad, 4th Floor, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6G9.

Services Available:

You may reach our office at: (519) 253-3000 Ext. 3300

Regular SAFA Service Hours 

 Monday  1:00PM - 4:00PM
 Tuesday  1:00PM - 4:00PM
 Wednesday    9:00AM - 12:00PM; 2:00PM - 4:00PM
 Thursday  9:00AM - 12:00PM; 2:00PM - 4:00PM
 Friday   1:00PM - 4:00PM


Please refer to as there may be a knowledge base article that may answer your question.

In order to better assist you, please always include your UWindsor Student Number in your communications.

Students should complete their UWinAward Student Application/Profile via UWinsite Student > Student Homepage > Award Profile to be matched with eligible funding opportunities.

Additional Information for Domestic Students who are experiencing financial hardship.

Additional Information for International Students who are experiencing financial hardship.

If you require additional assistance you may contact our office by email at

Questions regarding OSAP Micro-Credential applications and supporting documentation can be directed to

Documents may be faxed, sent as an attachment via email at, or placed in our drop-box located in the lobby of CHT or mailed to:

Student Awards & Financial Aid
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Ave. CHT Room 102
Windsor, ON N9B 3P4

Fax: (519) 973-7087

Please refer to as there may be a knowledge base article that may answer your question.


Student Awards & Financial Aid Office

University of Windsor
Chrysler Hall Tower, 1st Floor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, ON, Canada, N9B 3P4

* Due to construction, the entrance to our lobby/waiting area can be accessed from the south entrance of Chrysler Hall Tower

We are available for in-person service during the following hours:

Regular SAFA Service Hours

 Monday  1:00PM - 4:00PM
 Tuesday  1:00PM - 4:00PM
 Wednesday   9:00AM - 4:00PM
 Thursday  9:00AM - 4:00PM
 Friday   1:00PM - 4:00PM


To enter our in-person service queue with the Student Awards or the Financial Aid office, please scan this QR Code or click if using a mobile device:

If you feel that you need to talk to someone about your situation, please take the following steps:

1) Try asking your question using  We have many knowledge base articles that might be able to assist you with your question.

2) Log on to to submit a service request and a Student Awards or Financial Aid Representative will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

3) Call our office during our phone service hours.  A Student Award or Financial Aid Representative may be able to resolve your issue over the phone.

4) If options 1) through 3) do not resolve your issue,  we will schedule you a virtual Teams meeting/appointment with a Student Awards or Financial Aid Specialist for a time that is mutually convenient.


UWinAward Profile/Application Support

Here is the schedule for our virtual drop-in sessions available for students who require assistance with their UWinAward Profile/Application for bursary and scholarship applications.

Important Notes:

  • We will attempt to return messages and service requests within 2 business days where possible.  In September, January & May however, our response time may be closer to 7-10 business days.

  • Please do not leave/send multiple messages/emails as this will delay our response time.