Faculty, Staff & Students

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You have reached this page because you are a researcher associated with the University of Windsor.

Protocol Submissions - Forms 

Please use the most current version of application forms. These links will always contain the most current version.  

Please submit an electronic version to ethics@uwindsor.ca. 

Which forms do I complete?

Please contact the REB if you think your project may be exempt from REB review. 

The following forms may also be required



Principal Investigators or Co-Principal Investigators from other Institutions 

You must submit your REB application for clearance to the University of Windsor REB first. If the Co-PIs require clearance at their home institutions, then this should be sought after receiving conditional clearance from the University of Windsor REB. Please ensure all clearance letters from other institutions are forwarded to ethics@uwindsor.ca for your file.

You must submit the final version of the cleared application, all appendices and the clearance letter from the host institution to the University of Windsor REB for executive review and clearance. This must be done prior to data collection commencing.

You must receive University of Windsor REB clearance if you intend to collect data with faculty, staff or students or utilize campus resources (i.e. email system). Please submit the final version of your cleared application, all appendices and the clearance letter from your host institution to the University of Windsor REB. This must be done prior to data collection commencing.

Using UWindsor email for recruiting research participants 

If you want to utilize the University of Windsor email system for recruiting participants, here are the following pathways you are required to follow:

The University of Windsor has a policy regarding the use of mass emails.


If you wish to recruit faculty or staff and are sending an Administrative survey, please see the following link for applying to Institutional Analysis for approval.


The REB can provide conditional clearance for researchers awaiting permissions.

Windsor Regional Hospital

If you are conducting research at Windsor Regional Hospital further information can be found here.


SWORP Funded Researchers

Schulich SWORP logoIf you are SWORP funded, further information can be found here.

Research Summaries/Feedback to Participants

Provide feedback to participants through the UWindsor REB web application

Note: Starting November 2017, research summaries will be hosted at Scholarship@uwindsor.ca.

View research summaries

Contact the UWindsor Office of Research Ethics

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Office of Research Ethics 
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue, 2146 Chrysler Hall North
Windsor, ON  N9B 3P4
(519) 253-3000 Ext 3948