
If you have additional Research Ethics questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Research Ethics or the Research Ethics Board Chair at  

Note: If you are using the UWindsor Psychology Participant Pool to conduct your study, the REB asks that you consult with them prior to obtaining clearance at

Protocol Submissions

Note: Submissions to the REB are to be submitted on the latest version of the application form found on this page. All other versions will not be accepted and will be sent back. 

Main Application Forms must be submitted by 4pm on Monday in order to be considered for review in the following two weeks. Late submissions will be put over to the next review cycle.

Incomplete applications will undergo Pre-Review which provides requests for revisions to the application prior to formal review. A notification will be sent to the researcher indicating the application requires Pre-Review. Once the Pre-Review is completed, the application along with the Pre-Review comments will be emailed back to the researcher to complete the revisions before formal review can be scheduled.

An application cannot be formally reviewed until it is complete, and all Pre-Review requirements are met.

Please Note:

  • All applications require the submission of an updated TCPS2: CORE-2022 Certificate for all members of the research team indicated in the application. If you have not yet completed your updated TCPS2 Certificate, please follow this link for additional information on the REB’s requirement for the updated Certificate and to take the training: tcps2-2022.pdf (
  • Once an application is accepted for review, the REB generally takes about four weeks to review the application and provide feedback. Applications will be reviewed, but cannot be cleared, until all TCPS2 certificates are received.

         REB Application Form

You are collecting data to gain information for assessment, management or for improvement purposes.

Additional Forms

Sample Templates

REB approved sample consent/assent forms. Please rember to edit the forms to suit your study needs. These are sample forms and require editing.

Windsor Regional Hospital

If you are conducting research at Windsor Regional Hospital further information can be found here.



SWORP Funded

If you are SWORP funded, further information can be found on the Research Innovation website.

Current Researchers

Ready to provide feedback to participants, further information can be found here

Note: Starting November 2017, research summaries will be hosted at

Contact the UWindsor Office of Research Ethics

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Office of Research Ethics 
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue, 2146 Chrysler Hall North
Windsor, ON  N9B 3P4
(519) 253-3000 Ext 3948