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Employee Safety and Wellness

The office of Employee Safety and Wellness (ESW) supports the UWindsor community in creating and fostering a healthy and safe place to work, learn, and visit.  

The ESW Team is committed to providing information, guidance, and support to employees and leaders on matters relating to employee safety and well-being.  The ESW team mission is to: 

  • prevent workplace injuries and illnesses through the development, implementation, and maintenance of prevention-focused occupational health and safety programs; 
  • continually improve workplace physical and psychological health and safety practices and performance, in compliance with relevant health and safety legislation, codes, standards and practices; and 
  • support employees in facilitating workplace accommodations for a healthy and safe return to work following an injury or illness. 

It is the vision of the ESW office to engage in partnerships across campus to create a safe and inclusive workplace culture that supports and promotes employee health and well-being. 

Our Services Include: 

  • Occupational Health and Safety 
  • Workplace Accommodation (Staff) 
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) administration 

Visit the ESW website by clicking on the boxes below to review procedures, information and resources. 


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Health and Safety Policy Statement

Virtual Health and Safety Board

Accident / Incident Report Form

MCU Unpaid Placement Insurance


Employee Mental Health Strategy

Workplace Wellness | Human Resources (uwindsor.ca)

Employee Assistance Program