Student Unpaid Placement Insurance Process

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) provides insurance coverage for workplace injuries incurred by students participating in an unpaid work placement as part of their academic program. The MCU manages these placements in accordance with the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) policy and procedures, as well as MCU guidelines. 

Information on insurance coverage and eligibility can be found in the Ministry's Guidelines for Workplace Insurance for Postsecondary Students of Publicly Assisted Institutions on Unpaid Work Placements, posted on the Ministry’s website at:

For further information on the unpaid placement process, please contact the University's Health and Safety office at ext. 4521.


A placement is considered eligible for MCU coverage if:

  • The Placement is unpaid.
  • The Placement, which may be required or optional, is part of an Approved Program that is funded by MCU, includes a formal assessment component, and successful completion of the placement is recognized by the University of Windsor for the purposes of the completion of the Approved Program.
  • The Placement is authorized by the University of Windsor.
  • The Placement is a non-classroom activity.

* Any in-class portion of a training program that occurs at the University of Windsor is not an Unpaid Work Placement.

The following types of placements are not eligible to receive Ministry coverage:

  • Placements for which a Student Trainee is paid.
  • Placements to be conducted at the University of Windsor. This includes Student Trainees who, as part of their Approved Program, do unpaid research or other work for the University of Windsor.
  • Placements in the country of primary residence of an international Student Trainee.

* Please note that placements outside of Ontario (international and other Canadian jurisdictions) will only be eligible for private insurance, and not WSIB benefits.

Prior to each placement, the Placement Coordinator must obtain four forms:

  • A Student Declaration letter is required to be signed by the student participating in the placement. This letter informs the Placement Employer that the student is covered by MCU, and informs the student that they are required to report any incidents or injuries to their Placement Employer and Placement Coordinator.
  • The University's Placement Coordinator sends a Letter to the Placement Employer, informing them that the student is covered under the MCU program, and their WSIB standings (premiums) will not be affected. This letter also informs the Placement Employer that they are responsible to provide safety training to students, for any hazards within the job.
  • Pre-placement evaluation for health and safety purposes.
  • Pre-Placement Safety Orientation Checklist (or equivalent).

Placement Coordinators using this process for the first time should contact Health and Safety at ext. 4521 to be added to the appropriate distribution and reporting lists.

The Student Trainee and Placement Employer must complete and sign the MCU Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Claim Form and return it to the University's Placement Coordinator in order to initiate a WSIB claim.

The Placement Coordinator must obtain the Incident Report, the completed MCU Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Claim Form, and the completed Letter of Authorization to Represent Employer and send copies to the University's Health and Safety office within 24 hours of the incident.

The MCU Guidelines for Workplace Insurance for Postsecondary Students of Publicly Assisted Institutions on Unpaid Work Placements and the claim form are posted on the Ministry’s public website at:

Placements not covered under the MCU process may be eligible for private insurance. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Insurance Officer at ext. 2080, or by email at