Woman using laptop

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

The University of Windsor's Faculty of Engineering Outreach Program offers workshops for high school students enrolled in Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) classes that help them fulfill requirements for SHSM classes. SHSM Teachers are encouraged to sign up their classes to participate.

These free events are held in-person in a UWindsor classroom and will give all participating SHSM students the opportunity to complete three 45-minute virtual workshops/information sessions related to engineering that can be used towards completing their requirements for their particular Specialist High Skills Major. Note - students are welcome and encouraged to attend even if they aren't going to be studying engineering post-secondary.

Each session is approximately 45 minutes.

The UWindsor/Engineering and The Profession session will introduce students to engineering at the University of Windsor and provide a general overview on what the engineering profession is like. This will give all students some background information on what engineers do, their importance in today's world and the many diverse opportunities and areas that the field of engineering can offer.

The Engineering and CAD session will allow the students to use the Sculpt Environment of Fusion 360 software to design and model their own unique design of an object. Complete beginners will learn how to build and manipulate geometry in the Fusion 360 environment. Students with CAD experience can use their skills to make their design unique with uses of different materials and colours.

Students will be able to help program an Arduino based robotic car to complete a series of challenges that utilize basic concepts of robotics programming and problem solving. Activities will involve electric motor control to drive and steer the car while reading sensors to provide necessary information to complete the challenges. All challenges require no previous programming experience. The focus of the activities is on determining and optimizing various parameters within the programs, such as car speed, turning time, and program triggers based on the ultrasonic data. 

Upcoming Sessions

To be announced. Please contact Mike Konstantino, Engineering Outreach Coordinator at the University of Windsor for upcoming events. 


Interested SHSM teachers can contact Mike Konstantino, Engineering Outreach Coordinator at the University of Windsor at mikek@uwindsor.ca for more details.