Growing up in a fairly liberal Roman Catholic family in the 1970s, Renée Bondy only ever heard stories about severe nuns in black habits, but still learned to dread them in the same way a child might fear an unseen monster under her bed.
The nuns she grew up with played acoustic guitar, looked like Joan Baez, and wore comfortable shoes and groovy wooden crosses on leather lanyards.
Sandra Lloyd says it’s “a bit of a ghost town” in the area around the front of her California Avenue home when students aren’t around.
So she was extremely happy when Rosemary Briscoe showed up on her front porch Friday morning with an early Christmas gift of some new LED light bulbs to help illuminate the area.
With rapid changes in communications technology, the distinction between the movement across international borders of ‘molecules’ and ‘bits’ is becoming increasingly blurred, according to Bill Anderson.