Future Students

Kenji Kenno, Kevin Milne and Cheri McGowanFrom left, kinesiology researchers Kenji Kenno, Kevin Milne and Cheri McGowan check out one of the isometric handgrip devices they'll use for their research.

Kinesiology researchers tackle hypertension crisis

Hypertension has been described by the World Health Organization as a global health crisis, but a trio of kinesiology researchers is aiming to change that by determining how the simple act of squeezing a small hand-held device can lower blood pressure.

Carlin MillerCarlin Miller will be researching the effectiveness of a course designed to improve mindfulness for teachers and parents of children with ADHD.

ADHD study among projects backed by research stimulus fund

Anyone who ever raised and educated a child with ADHD knows it can be a challenge, but armed with new stimulus funding, a psychology professor is planning to equip parents and teachers with skills to better deal with their demands.

Jane Meunier and Amanda MoffatResidence dining manager Jane Meunier presents Amanda Moffat with her new television in the CAW Student Centre Tuesday.

TV winner's timing couldn't have been better

Amanda Moffat is more than happy to share her latest victory with the rest of her family.

A member of The Vine Church student group at the University of Windsor, she recently entered a draw when she bought a bottle of Coke Zero in the cafeteria and ended up winning a Sony 40-inch LED Bravia television set.

She picked it up in the CAW Student Centre yesterday and said the timing couldn’t have been better.

cover of "Busted"Catriona Stang collaborated with the late Nancy Shaw on "Busted," published in 2001.

Poet to conduct campus readings of her work

Poet Catriona Strang will conduct two readings of her work this week on the UWindsor campus.

Cooking creates connections for historian

You might think cooking an exotic meal for his family or invited guests would be a welcome distraction from his labour, but it actually brings Rob Nelson closer to his work as an historical researcher.

“Food has so much to do with culture and history, so cooking a recipe from a country like Senegal, for instance, can really enhance your understanding of a place, even if you’ve never been there,” said Dr. Nelson. “You just feel like you have some kind of connection through cooking.”

Trevor Pitcher and David JohnstonTrevor Pitcher, left, shakes hands with Governor General David Johnston after receiving his team's Synergy Award in Ottawa Monday night.

Synergy award distinguishes university's environmental research

Winning a top national research award is an outstanding way for the University of Windsor to distinguish itself in the field of environmental research, according to two people who were in Ottawa Monday night to collect it.