Business professor Francine Schlosser will appear on CJAM radio’s Research Matters today.
Business professor Francine Schlosser will appear on CJAM radio’s Research Matters today.
Psychology professors Christopher Abeare, Alan Scoboria and Lori Buchanan received a $75,000 grant for a machine that measures brain activity.
You may pass the House on Sunset on your route to and from campus, and never know about the intensive training of future therapists that’s taking place there.
“We’re quite a good training centre,” says director Antonio Pascual-Leone. “Our main mandate is to train clinicians, or future psychologists, and we are actually one of the best in North America.”
Biochemist Siyaram Pandey will discuss his investigation of the cancer-fighting potential of long pepper extract Wednesday on “Research Matters.”
Librarian Dave Johnston will be the first guest of 2015 on the radio show “Research Matters,” Wednesday on CJAM-fm.
Canadian universities trying to deter rape culture and reduce the number of sexual assaults on their campuses should take a close look at how the University of Windsor is addressing the problem, according to a researcher leading an innovative prevention program here.
It was unfairly dragged into a local sex scandal back in its day, but a demonstration school established in Windsor during the middle of the last century broke new ground and became a model for nursing education in Canada, according to a university historian.
Researchers have developed a model that will help people figure out how much product variability it can introduce before it becomes a losing proposition.
When people get arrested and step in front of that camera for their mug shots, they may be at one of the lowest, most vulnerable points of their lives. So what is it about those images that make some people want to collect them, and perhaps even think about them as art objects?
That’s one of the central questions posed by a new documentary that a University of Windsor art instructor helped create.
More sophisticated beer enthusiasts may already know their favourite beverage was being made in places like Egypt and Mesopotamia as far back as 5,000 years ago. They may also incorrectly assume it was eventually brought from there to Europe as civilizations spread out and evolved, according to Max Nelson.