Future Students

FUELKinesiology graduate student Sara Santarossa, right, leads a group of high school girls through a high intensity cardio workout at Assumption high school last week.

High school girls get FUELed up through partnership program

Hundreds of high school girls across Windsor-Essex are discovering they can make a lifelong commitment to staying healthy by being physically active even if they don’t play sports.

“A lot of these girls don’t realize how capable they really are, so when they find out what they can do, that’s very motivating for them,” said Jenn Stefanczyk, a fourth-year kinesiology student who volunteers with the Females Using Energy for Life (FUEL) program.

Dalhousie physics professor Kimberley HallDalhousie physics professor Kimberley Hall will discuss her research into quantum computing Friday on the UWindsor campus.

Physicist to describe approaches to quantum computing

Dalhousie physics professor Kimberley Hall will discuss her research into quantum computing Friday on the UWindsor campus.

Kim and Rob NelsonKim and Rob Nelson will both receive awards at today's Celebration of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity, which happens to fall on their 14th anniversary. Photo by Hagen Nelson.

Award winning researchers to be recognized on wedding anniversary

Today is an especially rewarding one for Kim and Rob Nelson.

Besides taking home a pair of awards at today’s annual Celebration of Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity, the two professors are celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary.

Officials celebrate the opening of the Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship ClinicOfficials celebrate the opening of the Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship Clinic in the Downtown Windsor Business Accelerator on Tuesday. From left: UWindsor president Alan Wildeman, dean of law Camille Cameron, Accelerator director Arthur Barbut, clinic founder Myra Tawfik, and law professor Bruce Elman.

Clinic to provide free legal services to start-up businesses

A new program that provides local start-up businesses and entrepreneurs with free legal services was formally launched Tuesday.