Professors Kevin Milne and Cheri McGowan are promoting local participation in a study evaluating the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on individuals.
UWindsor researchers are part of an international consortium studying how to get more cardiac patients participating in rehabilitation programs.
Two research projects that will help transform patient care each received $10,000 in seed funding.
A pair of University of Windsor professors had the opportunity to eat, drink and chat about their research with The Royal Canadian Institute for Science.
Charu Chandrasekera from the University’s Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods and Cheri McGowan, from the Faculty of Human Kinetics, represented the University of Windsor as table hosts at the 2018 Science Exchange Dinner in Toronto last week.
“It was a career highlight for me to be there,” Dr. McGowan said following the event.
Kinesiology Research Day showcased inquiry by students at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
A collaborative session slated for April 7 will provide an opportunity to brainstorm on cancer research projects.
Students attending Kinesiology Research Day found projects by their classmates inspiring.