Stories about the politics and practices of altering life forms that raise questions about the possibilities of re-imagining life in a post-industrial ecology will be shared during a special round-table discussion at Villain’s Beastro tonight.
Jennifer Willet, a professor in the university’s School for Arts and Creative Innovation, will be joined by Michelle Murphy, from the University of Toronto’s history and women and gender studies department, York University anthropology professor Natasha Myers, and Syracuse University sociologist Jackie Orr at an event called Alter Life: Biology + Technology + Art?
Some of the theorists and artists participating are from the Toronto Technoscience Salon, a collective that prompts playful and experimental engagements with the politics and practices of technoscience.
Tonight's event, hosted by Dr. Willet's Incubator Lab, begins at 7:30 p.m. Villain’s Beastro is located at 256 Pelissier Avenue.