Lana Parker, assistant professor in the UWindsor Faculty of Education, participated in a podcast exploring the return to school.
Kurt Downes (BA 2003, B.Ed 2005) always wanted to go to Japan, but the best part of his experience as an Olympic coach is sharing what he learned to benefit his students and athletes back home.
Teaching students online and in person simultaneously places an unfair burden on educators, writes UWindsor education professor Bonnie Stewart.
Ashley Spina created artworks to accompany original music by Allesandro Rotondi on the album “Tunes of Ba Sing Se.”
Megan Elliott is the inaugural recipient of the Dr. Anthony N. Ezeife Mathematics and Indigenous Education Award.
A symposium June 17 and 18 will delve into the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students in online or open environments.
MHK student Danielle Salters is leading research with professor Sara Scharoun Benson into attitudes toward inclusive physical education.