UWindsor education instructor Kim Hillier offers tips on how to help children transition to kindergarten.
Education lecturer Kimberly Hillier offers tips on how to combat learning loss in children over the summer break.
Salsabel Almanssori and Kimberly Hillier have written about how COVID-19 has affected the balance of their roles of mother, academic, and educator.
The pandemic is particularly challenging for mothers in the academic workforce, say two researchers associated with the Faculty of Education.
According to the Ontario Association of Food Banks, in one of four households using food banks, children skip breakfast at least once a week, says Kimberly Hillier, a doctoral student in the Faculty of Education.
She is calling on the campus community to help meet a dire need for breakfast cereals in the monthly food baskets distributed by the Downtown Mission. She will collect new, unopened boxes of cereal in the lobby of the Neal Education Building, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 27.