2022 CLIF Abstracts

The purpose of the Centred on Learning Innovation Fund is to stimulate the development, implementation, and assessment of innovative teaching and learning. Click on 'Abstract' to read more about this year’s proposals:

Toward the creations of a program advisory board
Jess Dixon, Terry Eddy, & Patricia Millar, Faculty of Human Kinetics

Using an Equity Walk to Create Inclusive Learning Environments for Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Participatory Action Project
Rachel Elliot, Edward Cruz, Debra Sheppard-Lemoine, Sherry Morrell & Gina Pittman, Faculty of Nursing

Building an E-Mentoring Program: Adapting Traditional Peer Mentorship Models for a New Higher Education Context
Tamsin Bacon, Leddy Library; Tina Pugliese & Meagan Auer, School of Dramatic Art