What do Indigenized syllabi look like?
Indigenous Learning Outcomes
Confederation College has been embedding Indigenous knowledge into curriculum since 2011 through specially developed Indigenous Learning Outcomes (ILO). The ILO were gifted to the College community by Negahneewin Council, with the intention that all students develop an understanding of Indigenous knowledge that promotes community prosperity, social justice and relationships of reconciliation. As outlined in the Negahneewin Council 10 Year Vision (PDF file), the full implementation of seven ILO within every program at the College also affords students the opportunity to embrace their role as global citizens who demonstrate respect for a diversity of perspectives.
Protocol for Using the Indigenous Learning Outcomes
We are happy to share our knowledge and expertise to promote Indigenous principles of education and advance reconciliation across Canada. We ask that if you want to use these ILO or do work at your institution based on them, you reach out to have a conversation with us, as it is one of our primary goals to create communities of practice around the adoption and use of Indigenous knowledge.
Further, we ask that if you are using these ILO, you give credit to Negahneewin Council, as they are the creators and originators of them. Please acknowledge the contributions of the Indigenous community of Northwestern Ontario in partnership with Confederation College by placing the following image and statement on any reproductions of the ILO, the ILO chart (below) or any works based on them.
Creative Commons Licence - Indigenous Learning Outcomes by Negahneewin Council is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Sample Indigenized syllabi
University of British Columbia
KIN-489C - Indigenous Studies in Kinesiology
University of Winnipeg
ECON-2315 - Indigenous Economic Development
THFM-1003 - Introduction to Theatre: Indigenous Performance
GEOG-3512 - The Human Geography of Northern Canada
Lakehead University
ATAC-5041 - Indigenous Feminisms
POLI-3351 - Indigenous Peoples and the Law
BIOL-3012 - Aboriginal Ethnobotany
University of Victoria
ED-D 410 A01 - Teacher as Leader: The Professional Role