How are different universities addressing Indigenization?
Indigenizing Canadian campuses/courses
Resources on Canada’s universities and reconciliation - Universities Canada. October 2016
Western Canada
- Indigenization and The University of Saskatchewan - Peter Stoicheff was the first University President to make the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC, June 2015) at a postsecondary institution a priority in Canada.
- 100 Ways to Indigenize and Decolonize Academic Programs and Courses - Dr. Shauneen Pete, University of Regina
Video: 100 Ways to Indigenize Your Campus: Vianne Timmons at the University of Regina
In late November 2018, Ken Steele sat down with Vianne Timmons, president of the University of Regina, to discuss why Indigenization matters to higher education. - University of Alberta - Indigenizing and Decolonizing Teaching and Learning
- University of British Columbia - The TRC and you
- Indigenous Initiatives at the University of Northern British Columbia
- University of Winnipeg - Courses that fulfill the Indegenous Course Requirement (ICR)
- Simon Fraser University - Indigenizing curriculum
The Many Facets of Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Academy
Presenter: Qum Qum Xiiem, Dr. Jo-ann Archibald
Facilitator: Dorothy Cucw-la7 Christian - UBC Cources with Indigenous Content
- Indigenous Participation at Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Thompson Rivers University - Indigenization Initiatives
- Yukon University - Indigenous YukonU
Central Canada
- University of Windsor - Indigenous Initiatives
- Ryerson University - Truth & Reconciliation at Ryerson and A Path to Reconciliation
- Ryerson University - Indigenous Perspectives: Academic Integrity - this resource explores academic integrity through the lens of Aboriginal Ways of Knowing
- Trent University - Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies. - Integrating Indigenous Pedagogy in Remote Courses.
- Nipissing University - Redefining Success for Aboriginal University Students (57 page PDF)
- University of Guelph - Curriculum Innovation: Indigenizing Curriculum
- Carleton Univesity, School of Social Work - Indigenizing, Decolonizing and Reconciliation
- Laurentian University - Listing of Courses with Indigenous Content
- Lakehead Univesity - Courses with Indigenous Content
- University of Guelph - Curriculum Innovation: Indigenizing Curriculum
- University of Waterloo - Indigenization at Waterloo
- Western University - Indigenous Initiatives
- Laurier University - Indigenization
- York University - Indigenous at York University
- McGill University - Indigenous Education Program
Eastern Canada
- Piluwitahasuwawsuwakon and Your Course: A guide for University of New Brunswick Faculty and Instructors
- St. Thomas University - Indigenous Initiatives
- St. Mary's University - Indigenous Community
- Mt. Allison University - Teaching, Learning, Higher Education: Indigenization
Strategic Plans
Setting New Directions - to support Indigenous research and research training in Canada
The strategic plan is published by the federal research granting agencies — the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council — and fulfills a priority of the Canada Research Coordinating Committee to co-develop with Indigenous Peoples an interdisciplinary research and research training model that contributes to reconciliation.
Justice Institute of British Columbia (Indigenization Plan 2015-2020)
Mount Royal Indigenous Strategic Plan 2016 – 2021
Memorial University Strategic Framework for Indigenization 2021-2026
Western University Indigenous Strategic Plan
The University of British Columbia Indigenous Strategic Plan
University of Ottawa - uOttawa’s Indigenous Action Plan: A guide for our University community
The Indigenous Framework for York University: A Guide to Action
Concordia University The Indigenous Directions Action Plan
On-Campus Resources
Emily Carr University - Aboriginal Office
Queen's University - Office of Indigenous Initiatives & Decolonizing and Indigenizing
A Call to Personal Research: Indigenizing Your Curriculum. By Adrienne Castellon, Trinity Western University | June 19, 2019
Indigenizing the Academy - What some universities are doing to weave indigenous peoples, cultures and knowledge into the fabric of their campuses. By Moira MacDonald | April 6, 2016 | University Affairs
How Canadian universities are responding to the TRC's Calls to Action Universities wrestle with how to begin their transformation—and what they’re willing to change. By Sarah Treleaven | December 7, 2018 | MacLeans
How indigenization can support students while honouring reconciliation Academica Group | September 19, 2016
Inside the ‘Indigenization’ of Canada’s universities: Progress — but also accusations of tokenism, broken promises and ‘ethnic fraud’ By Douglas Quan | Toronto Star | Feb. 27, 2021