Teaching Awards - Local

GA/TA Award for Educational Practice and the GA/TA Award for Educational Leadership

  • Recognizes and honours exemplary GAs and TAs who contribute to a positive, learning-centred environment at the University of Windsor
  • Inspires GAs and TAs to recognize their potential for excellence in educational practice and leadership, and motivate them to transform that potential into reality
  • Publicizes examples of excellence in GA/TA educational practice and leadership that can inform the practices of all teachers, while contributing to student and faculty pride in teaching and learning at the University of Windsor
  • Both awards are given to as many as three individuals per year, depending on the quantity and quality of nominations
  • A GA/TA who meets the eligibility criteria may be nominated by a past or present student of the GA/TA, or by a colleague, faculty member, or staff member who is well informed of the nominee’s teaching excellence or educational leadership

Alumni Award for Distinguished Contributions to University Teaching

  • Honours and recognizes distinguished teaching on campus and to provide incentive and encouragement for achieving excellence in this field
  • All full-time members of the teaching faculty at the University, with a minimum of five consecutive years of teaching at the University of Windsor are eligible
  • Generally, two awards, valued at $1,500 each

Excellence in Mentoring Award

  • Established in 2002 and is sponsored by Patrick Palmer (Class of 1970)
  • Recognizes faculty who offer personal, academic, and/or professional guidance to students, and make a significant contribution to their all-around development up to and following graduation
  • Up to four awards a year
  • All full-time and retired members of the teaching faculty at the University of Windsor, with a minimum of five consecutive years of teaching at the University of Windsor, are eligible

OPUS Teacher of the Year Award

  • Initiated in 2006
  • Recognizes those professors who demonstrate outstanding dedication to part-time students, helping them achieve academic excellence and greater learning

UWSA Teacher of the Year Award

  • Awarded to one male and one female instructor at the end of each semester
  • Student-nominated
  • Recipients are awarded at the UWSA award’s banquet, and are recognized on the wall of achievement at the CAW centre

Educational Leadership Award

Honours the contributions of individuals who have led significant and sustained initiatives to improve teaching, curriculum, teaching spaces and resources, and policies and procedures that promote effective teaching.

For more information on departmental teaching awards, contact your faculty secretary.