Teaching and Learning Videos

Creating effective online lectures can be challenging. “Lecturing” truly represents the intersection between traditional educational formats we have come to know in our face-to-face (f-2-f) classrooms, with our online world.

But can lectures be done the same way in both mediums? Do we have to give up our old ways to embrace a new paradigm?

A great deal of literature exists regarding preparing traditional lectures, lecture capture practices, redesigning online education, and video productions.  However, it is more challenging to find literature regarding the combination of all of the above topics to provide useful and practical content for creating online lectures.  The most notable differences between the literature for online and face-to-face lectures that have emerged include the following four observations:

  • the length of time for an online lecture to be effective needs to be significantly shorter than a traditional lecture (based on online attention spans and the competition from other online distractions), or at the very least, broken down into smaller “chunks”,
  • there needs to be considerable preparation to engage an online audience (camera positioning, the enthusiasm of the speaker and other “techniques” to do well on camera),
  • there needs to be a connection to an active learning segment and feedback following the lecture, and
  • post-production needs to take into account practices and legislation regarding accessibility, copyright, use of music, open distribution and storage of the material.

These Teaching and Learning videos have been prepared for instructors and are designed to be 5 minutes or shorter.  View the full list of reference material used to prepare the material.


This “rant” style video, satirically explores the current online lecture format. Tips and perspectives for alternative approaches are introduced. (3:51)

View transcript for Introduction

Aim Before You Shoot - Pre-Production

Five major points: who, what, where, when and why, need to be discussed and planned before the camera starts rolling!  This video provides a humourous slant to help instructors think through the impact of pre-planning a video. (5:51)

View transcript for Pre-Production

Time to Perform

Instructors have a lot of questions when it comes to getting started with an effective online lecture such as: “What should I wear?” “How should I speak?” “How long should the video be?” or “How do I connect with the viewers?” This short video summarizes what instructors might consider to make their online lecture effective. (4:37)

View transcript for Time to Perform

Distractions in the Classroom

Unplanned disruptions, technical distractions, disrespectful behaviour like leaving class early or arriving late can derail even the best of instructors.  There are cases, however, where interruptions may be unavoidable due to emergencies or a family crisis. 

This video was developed as a tool so instructors could stop and start to discuss each case if necessary, or view it in its entirety to help to come up with a class contract at the beginning of a semester.

It is important to note also, that if a policy applies to students, it should also to apply to instructors! (5:52)

This series of sample syllabus statements may help you work with your class to determine what level of mobile device activity you and your students would find to be acceptable in your circumstances.

Please enjoy a blog hosted by the University of Windsor's Office of Open Learning, entitled: Navigating the mobile classroom: tips for 21st Century teaching. Here, you will find Specific strategies: 20 tips to try for yourself and a place to add your own strategies.

Case Studies, Syllabus Statement Exercise, and 20 Tips to Try Yourself contains a series of case studies, an exercise to help determine an appropriate syllabus statement, and 20 Tips for Navigating the Mobile Classroom.  We hope you find it helpful to use with the Distractions in the Classroom video.

Transcript (not available yet)