Abdullah Al Rahi

Abdullah Al Rahi

Abdullah Al Rahi is currently enrolled in a Master of Applied Science (MASc) program in Industrial Engineering at the University of Windsor. His research interests are product platform development, operations research, supply chain management, lean manufacturing, optimization, and process improvement.

Rahi earned his Bachelor's degree in Industrial and Production Engineering from Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) in 2020. Before joining the POM lab at the University of Windsor, he served as a Supply Production and Project Leader at Decathlon Sports LTD, the largest sports retailer in the world, for four years.

Throughout his academic journey, Rahi has actively participated in and secured victories in numerous engineering case competitions. Additionally, he achieved the status of national finalist for the British Council Famelab in 2019 for public speaking, He has contributed to 8 conference papers presented at various international conferences.

LinkedIn Profile: Abdullah Al Rahi