Combined Degrees: BA (H) Economics Programs
Bachelor of Arts Honours programs combining Economics with a second Honours area of study will consist of:
Degree Requirements
Total courses: forty.
(a) Economics: ECON-1100, ECON-1110, ECON-2120 or (STAT-2950), ECON-2210, ECON-2220, ECON2310, ECON-2320 and six additional in Economics, at least four of which have to be at the 3XXX or 4XXX level.
(b) Course requirements-Other Subject: courses used to calculate the major average in the other subject area, as prescribed by that area of study.
(c) STAT-2910 (or STAT-2920)
(d) additional options to a total of forty.
Courses used to calculate the major average are: courses listed under requirements (a) and (b), and any courses taken in the major area(s) of study. The critical requirement for the four-year Economics Honours is the inclusion of Economics ECON-1100 and ECON-1110 in the first year of the program. Similarly Economics ECON-2210, ECON-2220, ECON2310, and ECON-2320 should be included in the second year of the program. Students intending to specialize in Economics in a four-year Honours program should satisfy the Mathematics requirements as early as possible in the program.
Combined Degrees: BSc (H) Economics Programs
Bachelor of Science Honours programs combining Economics with a second Honours area of study will consist of:
Degree Requirements
Total courses: forty.
(a) Economics: ECON-1100, ECON-1110, ECON-2120 or STAT-2950*, ECON-2210, ECON-2220, ECON2310, ECON-2320, ECON-3060, ECON-3130, ECON-4060, ECON-4140, ECON-4230, ECON-4240, ECON4330 and ECON-4340.
(b) Course requirements-Other Subject: courses used to calculate the major average in the other subject area, as prescribed by that area of study.
(c) MATH-1250 or MATH-1260, MATH-1760 or MATH-1720, MATH-1730, MATH-1020, STAT-2920 and one additional course* from the Department of Mathematics & Statistics (MATH or STAT) at the 2XXXlevel or higher.
(d) additional courses, if necessary, from any area of study to a total of forty courses.
* STAT-2950 is required if Mathematics and Statistics is the other subject. Also, STAT-2950 may be the ‘additional course’ in (c) above.
Courses used to calculate the major average are: courses listed under requirements (a) and (b), and any courses taken in the major area(s) of study