Learn how the actions of individuals, firms and public agencies ultimately determine the direction of the overall economy. Acquire the tools necessary to answer such important economic questions as: how do we reduce Canada’s unemployment rate; what are the effects of government deficits and spending cuts; and what are the effects of globalization on the Canadian economy? A great foundation for a career in finance, banking, forecasting stockbroking or public policy analysis, among others.
Our minor in Economics will prepare you to take your place in the industry of your choosing while making yourself dually employable with your knowledge of Economics in related fields such as Business, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Actuarial Science.
A minor shall consist of:
- ECON-1100
- ECON-1110
- ECON-2210
- ECON-2310
- and two additional Economics courses.
Note: A minimum average of 60% or better is required in all six courses.