The University of Windsor offers an Interdisciplinary Program leading to the Honours Business Administration and Economics. The objective of the program is to prepare students for the growing demand for graduates trained in Business with a strong Economics background. The program combines both the core of the Bachelor of Commerce program and the core of the Bachelor of Arts Economics program while allowing the student to use flexible course requirements to gain additional training in Economics.
Degree Requirements for the B.Comm (H) Business Administration & Economics:
Total course equivalents: forty* (120 credits)
a) Business 16 courses: ACCT-1510, ACCT-2550, MGMT-1000, MGMT-2400, MGMT-2430, MGMT-3000, FINA-2700, FINA-2710, MSCI-1000, MSCI-2130, MSCI-2200, MSCI-3310 or MSCI-3410, MKTG-1310, STEN-1000, STEN-3970, STEN-4980
b) Business 7 courses: Seven business electives, alternatively, students in the Thesis Option will complete BUSR-4950, BUSR-4990 (6.0 credit course), and four additional business courses.
c) Economics 13 courses: ECON-1100, ECON-1110, ECON-2120 (or STAT-2950), ECON-2210, ECON2220, ECON-2310 and ECON-2320; plus six additional economics courses, at least 4 or which have to be at the 3000 level or above.
d) Mathematics 1 course: MATH-1980/1250/1720/1760 (or equivalents);
e) Statistics 1 course: MSCI-2020 or STAT-2910 (or STAT-2920) f) 2 courses from any area of study. Courses used to calculate the major average are: The courses listed in sections a), b) c) and any courses taken in the major area of study.