Certificate in Applied IT

Knowledge of Information Technology is a valuable asset.  Applied I.T. skills can improve job prospects, as well as productivity for those already involved in the field.

The Certificate in Applied Information Technology (C.A.I.T.) is offered by the School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor consisting of eight courses that provide graduates of the program with skills to help assess a company’s, or their own I.T. needs, and apply current I.T. to meet those needs in a secure and ethical manner.

Specific technical skills acquired include the ability to make use of a wide range of PC software, write simple programs, create interactive websites that access server-side databases, and appraise and configure social media and mobile technologies to best meet company or personal needs.

Many of the courses are offered as evening or distance education courses, as well as regular daytime courses. This Certificate program is open to community members as well as UWindsor students.

Course Sequence:

The Certificate in Applied Information Technology consists of specific courses in which students must maintain an average of 60% or better.  Please refer to the current Official online Undergraduate Calendar for further details by clicking this link.

Detailed Information

  • Information on these programs is available from the Undergraduate Calendar:
  • For further information: csinfo@uwindsor.ca