Financial Resources


The School of Computer Science offers a variety of Entrance scholarships and awards to students.

SSPC Entrance Scholarship - students who have participated in the School of Computer Science (UWindsor) Secondary School Programming Competition and placed in the top six teams and are accepted and registered into a Computer Science Undergraduate degree program, are eligible for this Scholarship.    Link here to the online application.  Deadline for application is June 30 of the Entrance year.

CS FIRST Robotics Entrance Scholarship - students accepted and registered into a Computer Science Undergraduate degree program, with a secondary school average of 80% or higher, and have participated on a secondary school level robotics team, are eligible for this scholarship.  Each academic year there are five entrance scholarships for the amount of $1,000 each awarded, based on entering grade point averages.  Link here for further information and online application.  Deadline for application is June 30 of the Entrance year.

Women in Computer Science Entrance Scholarship - female students accepted and registered into a Computer Science Undergraduate degree program, who have participated in a high-school level programming competition or attended a workshop at the School of Computer Science, are eligible for this award.  Each academic year there are five entrance scholarships for the amount of $1,000 each awarded, based on entering grade point averages.  Link here to the online application.  Deadline for application is June 30 of the Entrance year.

Degree Completion Entrance Scholarship - students accepted into one of the Computer Science Undergraduate degree pathway programs, with a college or previous University degree average of 80% or higher,  are eligible for this scholarship.  Each academic year there are five scholarships for the amount of $1,000 each awarded, based on entering grade point averages.  Link here to the online application.  Deadline for application is June 30 of the Entrance year.

There are many other financial awards available through the UWindsor Office of Students Awards and Financial Aid.