
Community Standard violations are categorized into a level ranging from one to three. Level one offences are the least severe, whereas level three offences are the most severe. Each level has a set of possible sanctions that an individual may be required to carry out if found in violation of the Community Standards.

Below you will find information on what types of actions are associated with each of the levels. To see a full detailed list of our Community Standards along with the different possible violations, check out the Standards page.  

Level One Offence

Actions that interfere with the rights of another individual or community to the peaceful use and enjoyment of their space in residence or surrounding area and/or failure to cooperate with Residence administrative polices.

Level Two Offence

Actions that create a significant nuisance and/or disturbance to an individual or community and/or repeated level one offences.

Level Three Offence

Actions that endanger the safety and security of an individual; significantly compromise or damage personal, residence or University of Windsor property; attack the dignity/integrity of an individual ; contravene the laws of the land; and/or repeated level two offences.