

Dr. Dusty JohnstoneHow We Can Help 

If you have had an unwelcome experience of a sexual nature or been harmed by sexual violence you deserve support. It doesn’t matter when the harm occurred.

If you aren’t sure what you should do or where you should go please reach out to us! We are here to listen, discuss options, and support you in caring for yourself. 

We are here to support students, staff, and faculty. We can also provide guidance if you are looking for information on how to support someone else.

Some Things We Can Help With: 

  • Thinking through your options

  • Problem-solving (we do a lot of this!)

  • Coordinating accommodations 

  • Identifying other services and supports that might be helpful

  • Make referrals to counselling or healthcare providers

  • Safety planning 

  • Reporting and navigating institutional procedures 

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Listen to our podcast

If you would like to know more about us, please visit our About page. If you would like to contact you can use our Contact Form or email us at One of us (Dusty or Anne) will be in touch soon! 

Contact Us

What Are My Reporting Options?

Reporting is a very personal decision. We will help provide you with the information you need to make the decision that is best for you and will assist you with the process if you choose to go ahead. Please visit our Report page for more info. 

Reporting Options

Where Can I Get Medical Care?

If you have been recently assaulted you may have injuries or want to be tested for STIs or pregnancy. You may also want to consider a forensic medical exam (informally known as a rape kit) that would collect evidence. Note that evidence can sometimes be collected up to 12 days after an assault. Please refer to our Connect to Services page for more detailed information. 

Connect to Services


          Your Rights as a Survivor

Your Rights as A Survivor - Text

Join Our Community

Want to get involved in addressing sexual violence on our campus? The best place to start is taking our workshops, Bringing in the Bystander® or Flip the Script™ (with EAAA). You can also follow us on social media for our most updated posts about other workshops, events, and more. 

If you are a survivor or a supporter, you might be interested in our Survivors & Supporters event series, where we offer social and wellbeing focused events. You can also check out our Survivorship Zine. Read the previous volumes or learn how to submit your own art on our webpage. 

Take Our Responding to Disclosures Workshop

Learn how to recognize disclosures of sexual violence, how to respond, and where to refer folks for additional support and resources.

The Responding To Disclosures Workshop

Contact Us

Dr. Dusty Johnstone

To get support, access accommodations, learn about reporting, or learn about disclosure training for staff & faculty, contact Dusty (She/Her):

Anne Rudzinski

To learn about disclosure training for students, Survivor & Supporter events, or the Survivorship zine series, contact Anne (She/Her):