Employment Opportunities With the Bystander Initiative

Employment Opportunities With the Bystander Initiative

TA Positions in Bystander Initiative

Download the Assistantship Application Form for Bystander Initiative Positions [Word .docx]

Online Assistantship Application Form for Bystander Initiative Positions


TA Positions for Fall 2024 have been filled.  Please check back in November 2024 for available positions for Winter 2025.


GA/TA Professional Development and Training Opportunities:

The Faculty of Graduate Studies annual orientation workshop for new Graduate and Teaching Assistants (GAs and TAs) from all faculties and departments will be held on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 3:00-5:00pm in Toldo HEC, room 200 (in-person and remote).  The session is specifically geared toward new GAs and TAs; it will be streamed and recorded for viewing on the event webpage

The GATA Network will be hosting GATAcademy, a multi-day professional development virtual event with interactive workshops for both new and experienced GAs and TAs.  The schedule and registration information for the GATAcademy workshops is forthcoming and will be posted on the GATA Network webpage at: www.uwindsor.ca/ctl/388/gata or www.uwindsor.ca/ctl/533/gatacademy.

Workshop Facilitator & Background Facilitator Positions in Bystander Initiative

Facilitator Positions for Fall 2024 have been filled.  Please check back in November 2024 for available positions for Winter 2025.


Contact Us

Danielle Reaume (She/Her)

If you have any questions about our Faculty Partners or you are interested in becoming a Faculty Partner, please contact Danielle (She/Her): 


519-253-3000 ext. 2061