The IDea Competion
The Office of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Mediation (OHRCRM) is pleased to announce the Innovative Designs for Enhancing Accessibility (IDeA) student competition for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Watch a short video on the IDeA Competition!
To view a recording of the 2025 IDeA Competition Information Kick-Off Session, please follow the link below:
IDeA Competition - Kick Off Session - October 9, 2024
Each year, the University of Windsor hosts a student competition to engage creative minds to develop inclusive, innovative, cost-effective, and practical ideas to solve accessibility-related barriers. Entrants are not required to create a physical product, campaign, device, etc… Just present your original idea in the best way possible! Students can enter as a group or as an individual submission. Ideas created and developed as a part of coursework may also be entered.
Prizes to be won*
First Place - $500
Second Place - $250
Third Place - $150
Fourth Place - $100
*The prize amount will be applied to the selected Entrant’s UwinCARD.
How it works:
- The IDEA. Students develop an original idea to potentially prevent, eliminate, or reduce an accessibility barrier(s).
- The SUBMISSION. Entrant(s) submit a cover letter (see “Submission Formats”) and a submission by Friday, January 31, 2025. The submission could be a PDF, video, website, or an alternate electronic format (more details in “Entering Contest” section).
- The PITCH. On Thursday, February 6, 2025, entrants will have up to 15 minutes present to a judging panel, followed by questions from the judges.
- You are enrolled as a student (full or part-time) at the University of Windsor in either the Fall 2024 semester and/or the Winter 2025 semester in any program of study (undergraduate, graduate, professional degree)
- You are an individual or part of a group or team (all group/team members who contribute to the IDeA must enter together)
- Your IDeA can be part of your coursework (an in-class assignment, research, or thesis project)
Find out more about the competition:
- Competition Objective: Address Accessibility Barriers
- Entering the Contest
- Rules and Regulations
- Submission Formats
- Previous Competition Winners
Need assistance?
If you have any questions or need assistance with submitting to the competition, please contact the IDeA Coordinator at