Sport Psychology and Physical Activity Research Collaborative (SPPARC)


 Welcome to the Sport Psychology and Physical Activity Research Collaborative (SPPARC)

logo of University of Windsor Lancers shield and yellow human figure


Greetings from the Lab

  man in a blue suit and tie with glasses, woman with shoulder-length blonde hair in a white shirt, dark jacket and glasses

Dr. Todd Loughead                                                                          Dr. Krista Chandler


The goal of our lab is to research people and their behaviours in sport and exercise contexts. Using theoretical and applied practices, we aim to understand the psychological influences contributing to sport and exercise involvement.

We conduct leading-edge research on imagery, athlete leadership, body image, cohesion, social physique anxiety, and team building.

We encourage you to explore this website to learn about who we are and what we do. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about the activities and opportunities in our laboratory. 


Dr. Krista Chandler                                       Dr. Todd Loughead
Professor                                                         Professor
(519) 253-3000 ext. 2446                                 (519) 253-3000 ext. 2450                        


X logo with account name for SPPARC Lab - @SPPARC_UWindsor