Contact Information

Department of Kinesiology

University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, ON N9B 3P4
General Inquiries 
Michelle Roallo
Phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 2429
Fax: 519-973-7056
Undergraduate Inquiries
Nancy Williams
Phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 4295
Graduate Inquiries
Sharon Horne
Phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 2430

Campus Map: The map below shows the entire map of campus. The Department of Kinesiology is located in quadrants I & J, 4 & 5. The nearest intersection to Kinesiology is College and Sunset.
Map of Campus
Campus Map 2: The following map provides more detail of the South section of campus. Kinesiology is located within the Faculty of Human Kinetics and is adjacent to the St. Dennis Centre. To enter the Department of Kinesiology, walk up the wide set of stairs on College Ave.
Campus Map of South Campus
Directions from 401 West: 
- Continue on 401 West until Huron Church Road, exit 5.
- Merge to the right on Huron Church Road- continue Northbound.
- Continue towards Ambassador Bridge on Huron Church Road.
- Turn right on College Ave- the Human Kinetics building will be on your right hand side as you exit Huron Church.
- For reference, there will be the Lancers Football Stadium on the Southeast corner of College and Huron Church. There is a McDonalds on the Northwest sideof College and Huron Church.
Directions from Downtown Windsor/ Riverside Drive:
- Go North to Riverside Drive.
- Head West on Riverside Drive (towards the Ambassador Bridge).
-Turn Southbound (left) on California Ave.
-California and College Ave is the nearest intersection to the Department of Kinesiology.
Key Geographic Markers:
- The City of Detroit is North of Windsor and the University of Windsor
- The Detroit River is North of Windsor and the University of Windsor 
- The Ambassador Bridge is West of the University of Windsor
- Downtown Windsor is East of the University of Windsor