The official calendar of the University of Windsor for its graduate programs is the current Graduate Academic Calendar.
All graduate students are expected to familiarize themselves with the Graduate Calendar regarding registration, program requirements for the Ph.D. and Master's degrees, as well as important policies and academic regulations applicable to graduate students.
- Graduate students must register before the posted registration deadline for each term on UWinsite Student.
- Graduate students who are registered for the term and wish to add a graduate course after the posted late registration deadline for the term must complete a "Course Add Form: Special Circumstances Request" available from the Student Forms webpage, obtain authorization of their program Graduate Coordinator, and submit the form to Graduate Studies.
- Graduate students who are not registered for the term and wish to register after the posted late registration deadline for the term must complete a "Course Add Form: Special Circumstances Request" available from the Student Forms webpage, obtain authorization from their program Graduate Coordinator, and submit the form to Graduate Studies.
- Graduate students adding an undergraduate course or a course outside of their program will not be able to register online and must always must complete a "Course Add Form: Special Circumstances Request" available from the Student Forms webpage, obtain authorization from their program Graduate Coordinator, and submit the form to Graduate Studies.
- Review also the Phase I grace period policy applicable to research students completing their final oral defence and deposit.
Refer also to:
Master's students
Work on a Master's degree must be completed within three consecutive calendar years after the student's first registration at II Master's (Candidate) level, except for certain Master's programs available on a part-time basis.
In the latter programs, the time limit will depend on the nature of the program, but will not normally exceed five consecutive years. The part-time M.B.A. degree must be completed within six consecutive years.
Review detailed program requirements for Master's degree in the current Graduate Calendar.
Doctoral students
A student admitted to a Ph.D. program requiring full-time attendance for three years must complete all requirements for the Ph.D. degree within seven consecutive years.
A student admitted with one year's advanced standing (e.g., holders of Master's degrees) must complete all requirements within six consecutive years.
Review detailed program requirements for Doctoral degrees in the current Graduate Calendar.
How to request a time limit extension
If the time limit for completion of a program has expired, a request for an extension can be made to by completing the Time Limit Extension Form (located on the Student Forms webpage) and submitting the completed form as a service request within UWinsite Student
How to apply for a Leave of Absence:
- Graduate students can apply for a Leave of Absence up to the posted registration add/drop deadline for each semester by submitting a service request on UWinsite Student. Instructions are provided on the Leave of Absence application form.
- The fee for a leave of absence of $50.00 will be added to the student’s account by the Cashier’s Office upon approval of the leave.
- Depending on the type of leave requested, students may be approved for 1-3 terms (see reverse of form for explanation).
- Scholarship holders: note that the length of your award will not be extended to accommodate a financial leave or certain types of personal leave.
- While on leave, a student will not have access to any university resources, including office space, computer access, library facilities, continuation of laboratory experiments, computer research applications, and especially guidance by faculty members.
Employment of Graduate Students While on LOA:
Graduate students can be paid RA-Scholarship, RA-Employment Income, or Casual Wages only while they are registered and paying fees.
- Review guidelines about hiring of non-students and selecting the right type of appointment from the VP of Research and Innovation website.
- For current Faculty of Graduate Studies academic regulations refer to the current graduate academic calendar.
- For all Senate bylaws and policies visit:
Graduate students should familiarize themselves with the Senate Bylaws and Policies, including the following:
- Senate ByLaw 31: Academic Integrity
- Senate Bylaw 55: Graduate Academic Evaluation Procedures
- Senate Policy on Authorship
- Graduate Studies Policy on Plagiarism
- Policy on Grading and Calculation of Averages
Guidelines and Additional Resources:
University employment of graduate students
Research guidelines and resources for graduate students
Tuition Refunds (Phase I and Phase II)