The United Way appreciation event is Thursday in Katzman Lounge.
The United Way appreciation event is Thursday in Katzman Lounge.
Catering Services invites all UWindsor faculty and staff to its annual holiday luncheon on December 7.
Get a jump on your holiday shopping during UWindsor Staff Discount Day, Thursday at the Campus Bookstore.
The University of Windsor community is invited to a Remembrance Day ceremony Friday, November 11, in front of Memorial Hall.
The campus campaign for United Way represents an opportunity to show leadership in service, says provost Douglas Kneale.
Helping local children through the Adopt-a-Family charity campaign is a sure way to get on Santa’s “nice” list.
The children of UWindsor faculty and staff are invited to turn out tonight for Boo at the U, the annual evening of treats organized by residence staff and students.
University employees are invited to bring their children to Winclare room in Vanier Hall from 6 to 8 p.m., where volunteers will give little trick-or-treaters their own treat bag. Guests then make the rounds to each station for activities and candy in a spooky but safe environment.
The Employee Recognition Committee encourages nominations for the Excellence in Health and Safety Award.
Dusty Johnstone is the University of Windsor’s sexual misconduct response and prevention officer.
Children can give their Hallowe’en costumes a practice run during Boo at the U, October 27 in Vanier Hall.