Windsor-Essex looks to the University as a leader in many ways, says provost Douglas Kneale, and the campus campaign for United Way represents an opportunity to show leadership in service.
“Our University’s motto translates from the Latin as ‘Teach me goodness, discipline and knowledge’,” he said Tuesday during a ceremony to officially open the charity fundraising campaign. “This is what our motto looks like in real life. Can you imagine a better way to demonstrate goodness than to be a United Way supporter?”
Almost 100 staff and faculty turned out for the event, which concluded with a ceremonial raising of the United Way banner on the flagpole outside Chrysler Hall Tower. Two lucky attendees received prizes in a draw — secretary to the provost Sherry Dugal-Nevin won an extra vacation day and Anita Bondy, marketing co-ordinator for the Centre for Executive and Professional Education, won a $50 gift card.
Volunteer canvassers have started to distribute pledge kits to UWindsor employees seeking their support for the United Way, which funds projects in three areas of focus: reducing poverty, supporting kids and families, and strengthening neighbourhoods.