
Purchasing website offers access to preferred computer equipment vendor pricing

The University’s preferred suppliers of computer equipment will no longer distribute price lists through mass e-mail to faculty and staff, reports Dario Pavia, a buyer in the purchasing department.

Instead, pricing information related to laptops, desktops, monitors and printers is available with UWin log-in in the preferred vendor agreement section of the department’s website. 

Direct any questions to Pavia at 519-253-3000, ext. 2088.

tax formsThe Human Resources Department will send an e-mail to UWindsor faculty, staff and students to double-check its records in preparation for the distribution of T4 slips for the 2016 tax year.

Address updates to ensure tax slip delivery

Human Resources advises UWindsor employees to update their mailing addresses to ensure they receive their T4 slips for the 2016 tax year.