Ending an Appointment

Research appointments terminate automatically at the end of the period specified in the letter of appointment. However, employment can be terminated at any time provided it is in compliance with the Employment Standards Act. Below you will find information on ending appointments due to resignation by the appointee and termination for cause.

Resignation by Appointee

If your appointee indicates that he or she wishes to leave their position prior to the appointment end date specified in the letter of appointment, request that they do so in writing.

Once you have obtained notice of resignation in writing from the appointee, forward it to Sandy Mehenka in the Office of the Vice-President, Research at mehenkas@uwindsor.ca  who will inform all the relevant parties that the appointment has ended early. This will ensure that payroll ends and that all commitments are released from your grant account.

As a supervisor, it is your responsibility to inform your former appointee that they must return all access keys and other University of Windsor-owned items to you. 

You may also wish to inform your former appointee that they have signed a Confidentiality Agreement stipulating that:

"The faculty member and the University of Windsor have ownership of intellectual property resulting from your employment work subject to University policies, and obligations to the research funding agencies, institutions, and/or companies. You (the individual) are expected to maintain confidentiality of information, programmes and data that may be developed in your work or which you may have access to during the course of your appointment."

Once you have provided the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation with notice of resignation and informed your former appointee of their obligation to return University-owned items and access key and of their obligations under the Confidentiality Agreement that they signed, no further action is required on your part.

Termination for Cause

While undesirable, occasionally it is necessary to end an appointment "for cause" due to the quality of performance, lack of performance, lack of attendance, or behaviour of an appointee.

While possible, termination for cause can be tricky and every case is different. If you are considering terminating an appointment for cause, please contact Amy Davie in the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation at Amy.Taylor@uwindsor.ca or at extension 3925 immediately, preferably prior to taking any action with the appointee in question.