Selecting the Right Type of Appointment

Before you begin the process of requesting an appointment using your grant account, it is important that you select the correct type of appointment to ensure that your request flows through the appropriate channels of approval, using the right forms.

Below you will find information related to various types of appointments and the appropriate channels for processing them.

Research Assistants are non-student, grant funded research personnel who are employed to participate in research activities associated with a specific project under the supervision of the grant holder or delegate. 

Research Assistants must be directly engaged in research. They cannot be hired to perform duties that are primarily supportive in nature, including work that is technical, clerical, and/or administrative in nature. If you are unsure if the work your appointee will be performing meets the criteria for a research appointment, please contact to seek clarification.

To appoint a Research Assistant, complete the Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form and supply the necessary supplementary documentation. Further information on hiring a Research Assistant can be found on this site under Appointment Requirements.

Research Associates are non-student, grant funded personnel who possess an advanced degree and are employed to participate actively and directly in research with the grant holder, and may be credited in the dissemination of research results.

Research Associates must be directly engaged in research. They cannot be hired to perform duties that are primarily supportive in nature, including work that is technical, clerical, and/or administrative in nature. If you are unsure if the work your appointee will be performing meets the criteria for a research appointment, please contact to seek clarification.

To appoint a Research Associate, complete the Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form and supply the necessary supplementary documentation. Further information on hiring a Research Associate can be found on this site under Appointment Requirements.

A Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) is an individual who has recently completed a doctoral degree or equivalent and who is engaged in post-graduate training under the supervision of a faculty mentor to advance their knowledge, experience, and expertise in a chosen discipline.

As outlined in the University's Policy on Postdoctoral Fellowships, a PDF appointment must meet the following criteria:

  • The candidate was conferred a PhD or equivalent degree within the past five years;
  • The appointment is temporary and related directly to the provision of research and scholarship activities;
  • The appointment is preparatory for a full-time academic and/or research career;
  • The services provided by the PDF meet the standards set by the supervising faculty member; and
  • The PDF is not registered in another training program.

To appoint a Post-Doctoral Fellow meeting all of the above-noted criteria, please complete the Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form and supply the necessary supplementary documentation. Further information on the process for hiring a Post-Doctoral Fellow can be found on this site under Appointment Requirements.

A Visiting Scholar is an individual possessing advanced degrees who visits the University on a temporary basis while on leave from his or her institution for the purpose of performing collaborative research with the grant holder in a field for which he or she has demonstrated excellence.

Visiting Scholars may be self-funded or partially or fully funded from a grant account. 

Visiting Scholars are not permitted to teach at the University.

Please note that a Visiting Scholar who is a foreign national may be required to apply for a work permit and submit other immigration documentation through Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Further information on CIC requirements and applying for a work permit can be found on this site under International Research Appointments.

To appoint a Visiting Scholar, complete the Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form and supply the necessary supplementary documentation. Further information on appointing a Visiting Scholar can be found on this site under Appointment Requirements.

Visiting Research Students are students affiliated with another domestic or international post-secondary institution who have been invited to the University by a faculty member to engage in research in his or her lab. A Visiting Research Student is typically self-funded and has not yet attained a terminal degree.

Appointment of a Visiting Research Student must not exceed one year.

Visiting Research Students are not permitted to take courses for credit while visiting the University.

Appointment of Visiting Research Students is administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form can not be used to appoint a Visiting Research Student.

For further information on the appointment of Visiting Research Students, please contactisti Daphny Nguyen in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at or at extension 2107.

The Faculty Association Collective Agreement defines a Visiting Professor or Instructor as β€œone enjoying an outstanding reputation by virtue of excellence in research, teaching or creative or professional endeavors who is temporarily visiting the University on leave from her/his own institution and whose contribution to the University is mainly concerned with research and scholarship, and who shall not teach more than one credit course per semester, unless mutually agreed by the parties that exceptional circumstances exist.”

The process for appointing Visiting Professors and Instructors is outlined in Senate Bylaw 20. Requests for appointment of either a Visiting Professor or Instructor can only be submitted electronically by the Department Head or Dean, using Form 1 – Request for Academic Appointment. The Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form cannot be used for these types of appointments.

All appointments of Visiting Professors and Instructors that involve teaching duties are made by the Board of Governors following approval of an AAU Council through an appropriate AAU Appointments Committee.

Appointments of Visiting Professors and Instructors that do not involve teaching duties must be made through procedures established by AAUs.

For further information on appointing a Visiting Professor or Instructor, please contact the Faculty Recruitment Coordinator in the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic at extension 1432.

Effective September 14, 2013, Unifor 2458 Full-Time Office & Clerical Unit and the Unifor 2458 Part-Time Office & Clerical Unit Collective Agreements included a Letter of Understanding with respect to Grant Funded Positions mandating the "inclusion of grant funded positions performing office, clerical and/or administrative duties", which are "deemed to be represented by Unifor 2458 bargaining unit as per Ontario Labour Relations Board arbitration dated July 12, 2012."

Accordingly, all appointments determined to be office, clerical or administrative in nature must be posted internally and made available to existing Unifor 2458 Full-Time and Part-Time bargaining unit members before external candidates can be considered.

Therefore, while appointment of individuals who will be employed to perform work that is office, clerical and administrative in nature using grant funds may still be processed using the Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form, it is critical that you contact Human Resources to determine whether or not your appointment must be posted internally BEFORE you consider candidates for the position. Do not complete the Request for Research and Post-Doc Appointment Form before you have discussed your appointment with Human Resources.

For further information on appointing personnel who will perform work that is clerical or administrative in nature using your grant account, or if you are unsure if the work that will be performed can be considered clerical or administrative, please contact Mark Learn in the Department of Human Resources at extension 2052.

The Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form can not be used to hire registered students who are enrolled in courses. The process for hiring a registered student who is enrolled in courses is outlined on the Department of Human Resources website under Student Appointments.

For further information on hiring registered students, please contact Mareen Greco, Student Employment Clerk and Receptionist, in the Department of Human Resources at or at extension 2047.

The Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form can not be used to appoint individuals who will be paid using an operating account. Requests for appointments using an operating account can only be submitted electronically by the Department Head or Dean, using ARAC Form S1 – Staff Addition Replacement.

The Request for Research or Post-Doc Appointment Form can not be used to appoint individuals who will be paid using a trust account. Trust funds are restricted and the use of trust funds depends on the purpose of the trust. If you are planning to pay research personnel using a trust fund, please contact the Department of Human Resources.