Two people looking at a notebook with text reports and publications

Anti-Black Racism Task Force Reports

The Anti-Black Racism Task Force, established in Fall 2020, listened to the experiences of Black students, staff, and faculty with the goal of determining priorities for substantive change. Its report highlights key recommendations to address systemic anti-Black racism across campus.

“I want to thank the members of the task force for their thoughtful and dedicated work, and all the members of the community, and especially the Black community, for their generosity in engaging with this process, despite the emotionally exhausting work and dedication this required. We fully support the recommendations that the task force has brought forward. We all have a role in dismantling systemic anti-Black racism and in ensuring that our campus is inclusive, welcoming, and equitable for all. We encourage everyone to review the task force report and to reflect upon the individual and collective actions we can all take to make concrete steps towards meaningful change. We have begun this work, but there is much more to do.” - University of Windsor President, Dr. Robert Gordon

The Implementation Oversight Team coordinates and oversees the implementation of Task Force recommendations.
