Exchange student in Australia

Financial Assistance

Students on OSAP retain eligibility while on an exchange, but some additional paperwork and documents need to be submitted. Consult the Awards Office for specific details.

Students who are the recipients of any ongoing awards administered through the University of Windsor Awards Office remain eligible for these while on exchange, on the same basis as if they had remained in Windsor.

Students receiving externally-administered awards should check with the organization involved.

Students on the Outstanding Scholars Award Program retain this on exchange but need to make advanced arrangements with their academic unit to fulfil the employment portion. Make sure that you talk with your program advisor well in advance of departing, and ideally even before applying for an exchange.

Financial Assistance

Listed below you will see the financial awards that are administered by the University of Windsor Awards Office, as well as some other awards that the Exchange Office has been made aware of over the years.  There may be additional scholarships and awards may occasionally be available from the partner school and other outside sources that students will need to search for and discover on their own.

** Please note that applications deadline vary depending on the award.

Students: Ontario residents may apply

Value: up to $750 per term are available to students who take a full course load through a University of Windsor Exchange Program.

Requirements: Students must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents and residents of Ontario, have completed at least three courses at the University of Windsor with a cumulative average of at least 8.0 and demonstrate financial need.

Process: Application is done online via UWinsite Student.

*There is a version of this award that is available to full-time international students as well.

Students: Odette School of Business

Value: $600, awarded annually

Requirements: Canadian or Permanent Residents enrolled full time in the Odette School of Business in the year of studies appropriate to the exchange being applied for. The award is open to both graduate and undergraduate students and is based on good academic standing. The recipient is expected to return to the University of Windsor on completion of the exchange program.

Process: Application is done online via UWinsite Student.

Student: German Major student

Requirements: returning for Year 3 or 4, with the highest major average in German program courses (minimum 3 German language program courses) who demonstrates financial need. Preference is given to a student registered in the Ontario Baden Wurttemberg Exchange Program.

History: Established in 2003 in honour of Anita W. and Arthur Wendt by Susan Wendt Hildebrandt.

Process: Application is done online via UWinsite Student.

Students: Communication Studies

Value: $500

Requirements: Awarded to the Year 2, 3 or 4 student registered full-time in Communication Studies. Preference given to a Communication Studies student going on an exchange. Based on good academic standing (minimum GPA of 8.0), and proven financial need. The successful candidate must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, who meets Ontario residency requirements.

Process: Application is done online via UWinsite Student.

Students: Exchange students going to Sweden.

Value: up to $1500 for two semesters, or $1000 for one.

Requirements: Ontario students participating in an official exchange in Sweden.

Process: Students eligible to apply for this scholarship will be contacted by Windsor International after they have been selected for exchange. Applications are sent via the Exchange Office, and students who qualify to apply will be notified by the Exchange Office.

Students: French Studies

Value: Three awards to be allocated annually

Requirements: full-time students participating in French Studies exchange programs in France or the Universite du Quebec a Montreal. The awards are based on good academic standing (minimum major GPA in French Studies of 9), and financial need. Successful candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents, meeting OSAP Ontario residency requirements.

Process: Application is done online via UWinsite Student.

Students: Canadian students studying overseas.

Information: Visit the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) website to learn more about international learning grants offered to Canadian students studying overseas. 

Students: going on exchange to Germany

Information: Students going to Germany can try to apply for a variety of awards from the German Academic Exchange Service.

Students: studying in Japan

Information: Applications for this award are done via the partner school and students should not be applying on their own.