A group of students standing outside the CAW on a fall day.

Student Non-Academic Misconduct

Our mandate is to embody respect, empathy and fairness through a transparent and student centered lens/approach to conduct.


Students are expected to commit to a code of behaviour that stresses respect for the dignity and individuality of all persons, and the rights and property of others.

They are expected to practice personal and academic integrity, to take responsibility for their own personal and academic commitments, and to contribute to the University community to gain fair, cooperative and honest inquiry and learning.

This code applies to

a) Conduct that occurs on the premises of the University or its federated and affiliated institutions; and (b) conduct that occurs off-campus, when the student is conducting University activities:

i. the student is representing, or presenting him/herself as a representative of, the University or a student group/organization;

ii. the student’s actions or behaviour have, or might reasonably be seen to have, a negative impact on the University or on the rights of a member of the University community to use and enjoy the University’s learning and working environments.

Non-Academic Rights and Responsibilities

It is the right of all members of the University community that their person and their property be treated respectfully, free from endangerment or harassment. It is the responsibility of each individual to behave in a manner that ensures this and ensures the protection of societal property.


Please visit this link to view the Student Code of Conduct for examples of behaviours that violate this code. 

How to File a Complaint

Step 1

Step 2

  • Submit completed form and all relevant documentation and evidence in their original form, where possible, to the Intake Coordinator: intake@uwindsor.ca.

Who is the Intake Coordinator?

  • The Intake Coordinator is the first point of contact for the university community on matters of student non-academic misconduct.
  • The Intake Coordinator also advises on the process and support available to the parties.
  • The Intake Coordinator forwards a filed complaint for investigation and adjudication (or decision-making).


  • The investigation shall be initiated through individual meetings with the complainant and the student alleged to have acted with misconduct. During these initial meetings, clarification on any aspects of the complaint will be sought, the confidentiality clause will be reviewed, the investigation process outlined, and options for proceeding to a resolution provided. Prior to any meeting, the parties will be informed of the purpose of these initial meetings and advise that they may have an Advisor present.

More details on the investigation process are found in Section 5.1 of the Procedures for Addressing Student Non-Academic Misconduct.

Throughout the investigation or upon its completion, attempts to mediate may be made.

What to Include in your Appeal Letter

A Decision of the Associate Vice-President, Student Experience (AVPSE) Designate may be appealed. Complete the Request for Appeal of Decision NA Form 1.3 and submit it to the University Secretary, Renée Wintermute (reneew@uwindsor.ca) within 14 calendar days of having received the Decision of the AVPSE Designate.

  • In your request to appeal letter, state the situation or event, explain why you think the Decision was wrong or unjust based on one or more of the three grounds of appeal, and state what you hope the new outcome will be.
  • Requests to appeal a Decision of the AVPSE Designate must be based on one or more of the following grounds:
    • There was serious procedural error in the processing of the complaint which was prejudicial to the appellant.
    • There is new evidence, not available at the time of the earlier decision, which casts doubt on the correctness of the decision.
    • The Associate Vice-President, Student Experience Designate’s decision is clearly unreasonable or unsupportable on the evidence.
  • It is an official letter, so be sure to use the proper business letter format. If you send your appeal via email, the format is slightly different.
  • Try to avoid any anger or judgment in your writing. While you might be very upset about the issue, you do not want to convey this feeling in your letter. Be confident and persuasive, but not aggressive.
  • If you did something wrong, acknowledge it. State specifically what you did wrong, and what you have learned from that experience.
  • Keep your letter brief and specific to one or more of the three grounds of appeal. Focus on the facts, stating what the situation is in relation to one or more of the three grounds of appeal, why you think the Decision is wrong, and what next steps you request. Be clear on what you hope will happen.
  • Because this is a professional letter, thoroughly proofread your letter before submitting it.
  • Consider asking an advisor or legal counsel to read through the letter to make sure the tone is appropriate.
  • Note that you have the right to have an advisor or legal counsel assist you through the appeal process. An advisor could be a family member or friend and legal counsel would be a lawyer hired through a law firm or a lawyer obtained, at no cost, through Community Legal Aid (CLA) (519-253-7150; cla@uwindsor.ca).

Detailed information on the appeal process can be found in Sections 5.2 and 6 of the Procedures for Addressing Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.

Where Can You Find Support?

We are here to help you navigate the system to ensure it is less complicated and overwhelming. A lack of adequate support can place a strain on your academic, extra-curricular, social, personal, and emotional well-being. This space has been made available to make you feel confident enough to fully understand the support systems in place. 

We are aware that you may come into contact with the Non- Academic Misconduct system in different ways such as a respondent, a complainant, a witness or as a support person. 

The following sections contain information on campus and community resources that can provide support, regardless of your role in the Non-Academic Misconduct process. 

Intake Coordinator, Student Misconduct 

Sexual Misconduct Response And Prevention Office

Counselling & Wellness Services

Residence Services

Aboriginal Education Centre

Black Student Support

Academic Advising

University Secretariat