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The Care Alert

Concerned about a student?

Fill in an Online Care Alert Form 

The Care Alert form is a secure online form designed to support faculty, staff and students in helping students who exhibit certain behaviours to get the help they need.  Faculty, staff members and students are encouraged to use the form to provide helpful information about a student who exhibits certain behaviours. 

The Assessment and Care Team (ACT) discusses every care report submitted and identifies intervention strategies on a case by case basis that will provide the student and the campus community with the best level of support. Wherever possible, ACT will involve you or others closest to the student in the implementation of these strategies.

You can also provide a Care Alert by contacting a member of the Assessment and Care Team.

Why should I send a Care Alert?

At the University of Windsor, each of us has a duty to care about the well-being of others in the campus community. Filling out a Care Alert:

  • Helps to ensure that the student gets the coordinated support that they need as quickly as possible
  • Enables members of the campus community to identify their concerns in a quick and secure way

When should I send a Care Alert?

A Care Alert can be provided when:

  • A student displays any behaviour that appears to worrisome, disruptive, intimidating, or troublesome but does not represent an immediate threat
  • You have tried other means of resolving the issue with little or no success
  • You believe that a student is in need of coordinated support

If you believe that a student's behaviour is an imminent threat to self or others or the campus premises, please dial 911 or call Campus Police at x4444 immediately.