Students studying Physics at the University of Windsor have an exciting opportunity to gain skills that will prepare them for satisfying and rewarding careers worldwide. Our programs are designed to prepare students for leadership positions in both academic and industrial research, and to meet the employment and competitive needs of the Canadian high-technology industry. Our department continuously implements strategies to ensure students are prepared for new and exciting opportunities before them.
Physicists are generally highly employable, as their ability to find original solutions to problems prepares them for work in all sub-fields of physics, as well as in high finance and economics, law, medicine, engineering, education, computer applications and business administration. Physicists are an invaluable asset in a work environment, as they are highly numerate, and have expertise both in theoretical modelling and in experimental design.
Links To Career Opportunities
Academic Careers Online: Canada's ultimate academic job site for teaching jobs, education jobs, research jobs, and professional jobs in education and academia.
Physics Today Jobs: Physics Today Jobs delivers the latest job opportunities and career development tools to job seekers at any stage in their career, from student to experienced professional.
Physics Today Document Templates includes easy-to-follow examples for resumes, CVs, and LinkedIn profiles.
Physics Today Career Advice: job search strategies, career planning, and preparing for interviews and negotiations.
Physics Today Live and Recorded Webinars which cover interviewing, poster presentation, networking, and other topics
The Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP): Careers for Physics Graduates
SPS Jobs: Jobs and internships for physics bachelor-degree holders, supported by the Society of Physics Students.
SPS Careers Toolbox for Undergraduate Physics Students & their Mentors